Monday, May 14, 2012

Field Trip on Wednesday

Our field trip to Grewell Ranch is on Wednesday. It will be an all day event. Students will be given a hot dog, chips, watermelon, and cookie for lunch. They are to they are to have a drink for themselves along with a bottle of water for the day. Also, they need to dress for the weather (shorts are ok-no flip flops), wear sunscreen, and a hat would be a good idea too. Also, they may bring electronics for the bus ride. This is their responsibility. I am so looking forward to all that we are going to learn and it will bring back so many memories of my childhood. Today in Science we continued with our gray whale migration journey. Students have to read a short passage and then summarize in their own words what it is about and put it in their flip books. In Montana we learned about the Louisiana Purchase. If your child can tell you 3 things about it, write Louisiana Purchase in the planner. Last spirit day is this Friday. It is crazy hair day. Yikes-can't imagine what we may see. Have a great night.

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