Friday, March 2, 2012

Rusty Was Here!

Yahoo-we got a special treat this morning as Rusty from School Tools was here to share about his childhood and growing up. He talked about how his life wasn't always that great and how it helped him be a stronger, better person. It is amazing how he was a bully as a child/teenager and now he is helping kids deal with those same issues and feelings. That is so awesome!! Just goes to show that dreams are achievable if you believe in yourself; just like my motto: Dream, Believe, Achieve.
Alberta Bair Performance: Permission slips went home today for the ABT performance that is on Tuesday, March 6th. Please sign and get the slip back by Monday for a $100.
Monday is the start of MontCas Testing. Yes, we start with Science first. I told the kids not to panic and worry about them. Their main jobs to prepare for these tests is to get a good night sleep the night before and then to have a good, nutritional breakfast that morning, and then bring nutritional, protein snack. Boiled eggs, peanut butter, nuts, etc. Then their main job for the tests is to do their BEST!! Our saying a lot is "DO YOUR BEST ON THE TESTS!!! See the whole schedule for these tests on the side of the blog. I am giving you this ahead of time so you don't schedule any appointments or trips during these times please. It is so hard to get them made up and they do have to be made up. Then if they have to make one up, they miss what we are doing in class that day.
Volcano Projects: Make sure you are planning and working on these and not waiting until the last minute.
There will be no Spelling words this week.
Have a great weekend.

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