Friday, March 16, 2012

Lucky the Leprechaun Will Visit This Weekend

Today, we had a little fun after our testing was over in celebration of St. Patrick's Day. Ask the students what they got from me that they had to leave out for Lucky the Leprechaun. Write it in the planner. Monday, they will see what Lucky did-it is so magical!
Yes, today was the last day for the Reading testing. Monday-Wednesday next week we will finish up with the Math. I know the kids are taking their time, believing in themselves, and are quite confident in how they are doing. Keep putting those little messages in the planner. They help and I love reading them. I give them messages too. Today, they got 2-ask them what they were.
Notes about the Classroom Carnival went home today. Yes, we do the Cake Walk in 4th Grade. It is a big favorite and we love doing it. Please donate a cake or cakes or baked goodies for this great cause. We will of course use the money for class projects we do along with field trips. You know we like to do them and so much learning takes place outside of these 4 classroom walls.
We are working on dreams and goals and report card time is quickly approaching once again. Yes, 3rd quarter is about to end.
For this quarter, not only do I put comments, but I have the students do it too by writing down 1 thing they feel they really shine at and 1 thing they need to work on. I want them to think about it this weekend and then on Monday, they will be given an index card to write them on. This is a good connection to our goals and dreams.
In Math today, we did capacity measurement with Mr. GallonBot. Hopefully, this helps the kids understand cups, pints, quarts, and gallons better.
Have a great weekend and enjoy this fabulous weather.

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