Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Happy Tuesday!!

Today, we did our Science Lab with the eggs for those that had them. We talked about Pangea and how the continents were at one time one big piece of land and how over time, they have shifted and moved apart creating the 7 continents. Students drew the contininents and oceans on them before we opened them and discussed the layers. Students are to bring in a 3-D model of the earth's layers other than an egg as a review of them so look in your refrig or in toy box and see what you can come up with. Tomorrow we are going to go into depth talking about plate tectonics and do another fun little activity showing how the shifting happens.
Valentine Committees have been formed. Ask your child what they signed up for today. They will have time tomorrow to meet and discuss what they are going to bring. Also, tomorrow they will get their bags that they will use for their valentines. There is a writing project to go with it along with them writing about a valentine monster and then decorating their bag to portray that monster.
Today in Math we talked about mixed & improper fractions. Have your child show you how to change a mixed to an improper and an improper to a mixed. If they can, write M & I in the planner.
Today we did 2 constructed responses in preparation for testing. We did one in math which they have in their mail and my reading kids did one, but I didn't check it yet.
READ-A-THON READING: We are at 8171 minutes-just our class. That is so AWESOME so keep it up!! We have through Friday. As a school, we reached 50,000 already so now Mr. Senitte is challenging us to 10,000 and if we do as a school, each classroom will get extra activity time in the gym. Let's go Bitterroot.
Have a great night and let's hope it quits snowing. Be careful out there.

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