Monday, February 20, 2012

Happy Monday!

I hope you had a great, relaxing vacation. I know I did. Lots of shopping and looking at remodel ideas for parts of our house, spending time with family, and hanging out with friends. That is so much of what I love to do (the hanging out with family and friends part) definitely not the house shopping stuff.
These next 2 weeks are going to be packed with testing prep for the MontCas tests coming up in early March. We have already started the practice, but will continue with those constructed responses and multiple choice questions and these will be done for Math, Reading, and Science.
We will be starting our tour of the West in Social Studies so make sure you are practicing the states and capitals as our test on them will be Thursday, March 1st. Hopefully, they have been studying. If they can tell you the capital of Colorado, write Colorado in the planner for free money.
For our morning meetings, we will be focusing on career dreams we have, setting goals to reach them, and then how to take small steps to reach those dreams and goals. It is possible that we will have a guest speaker that will talk about this with us as she worked hard to reach her dream of becoming a singer. More on this later.
In Science, we will be studying volcanoes and then be looking for a fun home project to do!!! I bet you can hardly wait!!
Have a great night.

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