Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Rounding Numbers Rap

What a great day we had today. In Math we started the concept of rounding numbers. Of course, we had to introduce it with a little fun and music. Well, we were rappin' in here and I think we now have the concept of process. I would love for you to have your child do it at home for you and please join in with them. I posted the site on my favorite links on the side of the blog.

How did we connect hurricanes with math you ask? Well in Science today we started origami pinwheels which spin just like a hurricane. What a great math connection as origami paper folding uses a lot of geometry math terms. We will finish them tomorrow. I am sure your child will be saying in their sleep; "crispy creases & folds-crispy creases & folds"- a big key to them turning out correctly.

Book orders went home yesterday and on-line ordering is encouraged as we get a free classroom book for each order purchased. You may still use the paper orders if you choose to.
Tomorrow is HE/PE so remember those tennis shoes.
Also, tomorrow we will be taking the NWEA Language test during our reading block.
Map skills in social studies-we keep working hard on that longitude and latitude along with the 4 hemispheres. Practice at home any extra chance you get.
Today is the birthday of the Star-Spangled Banner. If your child can tell you who wrote it and why, write Star-Spangled Banner in the planner.
DRESS FOR THE WEATHER-We all noticed a change in the weather today. Please check the weather daily and send your child to school with the appropriate dress. We had some chilly kids at recess today.
Have a great night.

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