Monday, September 26, 2011

Marvelous Monday

First of all, great job to all of you that attended Saturday Live. We had a great turn-out from our class. Way to support our schools. Guess what-I promised a picture of my day hike, but forgot my camera at school on Friday-so no pics. Sorry. Just take my word for it-the hike was gorgeous. I have never seen so many shades of green, orange, yellow, and red.
Nightly writing has a new format. Students got a 1/2 sheet of paper titled: "Street hockey". It has mistakes in capitalization, punctuation, word usage, and spelling. Students are to edit it on the 1/2 page and then write it correctly in their nightly writing notebooks with indentation and correction of mistakes. We are going to use these as teaching points daily in helping make their writing better.
My reading kids are reading the book called: "There's A Boy in the Girl's Bathroom. If they can tell you a bit about the 2 main characters, write their names in the planner for free money. For Read 180 kids, have them tell you the book they are reading and write the title for free money.
In Math, we continue to work on counting $ using the fewest bills and coins. We are also working with tenths and hundredths.
Our problem-solving strategy is "patterning". If they can finish the following pattern, write it in the planner. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ___,
____, ______.
In Social Studies, we are going to be starting our tour of the U.S. with the Northeast region. Students will have to learn the states and capitals for this region as they will be tested. A practice map will be coming home later on in the week. The state names and capitals are on the side of the blog.
Thank you, Jeremiah for sharing your awesome "student of the week" pics. We loved them.
Lainey is our new student of the week this week.
Tomorrow is PE and Mrs. Buss said the kids are running the 800. They can bring IPODS for running if they choose to. They will be used for this only and not as a buy-in to use in the classroom.
PTA fundraiser: The large envelopes came home last week. You are asked to collect donations. I will give free money $50 for each donation your child gets. Let's see if we can get 100% class participation.
Have a great night.

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