Sunday, February 27, 2011

Testing Begins This Week

First of all, it was awesome seeing so many of you at the carnival on Friday. Looked like everyone had a great time. Also, thank you so much for all the donated cakes. Without you, the cake walk wouldn't have been the HUGE success that it was. Remember free money for those of you that attended and those of you that brought cakes that night, I will pay you on Monday.
We start testing this week. We have the Science test this week on Wednesday & Thursday, then Reading next week, and Math the week after that. Please make sure your child gets a good night sleep the nights before and come to school with breakfast in their bellies. I am excited to see all they have learned and it is their time to shine.
Reading envelopes are to be brought to school tomorrow as they want a total of minutes read for last week. There is one more week left. Make sure you are getting your tickets for the Magic Show and to see Mr. Senitte sawed in half.
Class pictures and those purchasing individual pictures are tomorrow. Bring your shining smiles!
I hope you had a great weekend and we will see you tomorrow.

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