Sunday, February 6, 2011


I hope you all are enjoying your weekend. Students signed up for Valentine's Day Party Committees on Friday and I will be sending a note home tomorrow letting you know what you and your child need to help prepare for the party on Monday, February 14th.
We are almost finished with state reports. We have 2 more to finish on Monday. Then we will get together with Ms. Erickson's class to share.
I your child is wondering what happened to the video we made on Friday of the "messages from me to me" is-well it had a lot of background noise so we will create it this week and I will post it when it is done.
If your child can tell you why the opening song of the Superbowl half time show is familiar write it in their planner for free money at check in. Also, for more money write down the score of the Superbowl.
Have a great rest of the night.

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