Monday, November 29, 2010

Winter & Snow is Upon Us

Yes, winter looks like it is here to stay and your child needs to be prepared to play outside. Please -please make sure they have warm coats, boots, hats, gloves, etc. to safely play outside at recess.

Great job over break practicing those multiplication facts. They are coming along very well and we have less & less to memorize each time. Practice on those laminated boards and the computer sites to be ready for tomorrow's timing. Your child knows what they are on.

In Science, we are almost finished with our Temperature/thermometer unit. Students have been learning about kinetic energy, phases of matter, how a thermometer works, along with the boiling/freezing temps. of water. They also learned that water is the only thing that can go through all 3 phases which is why the red colored liquid in a thermometer is not water. If they can tell you this, then write WATER in their planner for extra $50 at check in.

Tonight's writing prompt is writing about Favorite fun activity or activities in the snow.
Have a great night.

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