Monday, November 22, 2010

Matter-Matter Everywhere

Today we did our Science lesson on the 3 phases of matter: solid, liquid, gas. After lots of discussion, a You tube, catagorizing things, and discussing the freezing and boiling point of water we now know the difference and we found out that water is the only thing that can be all 3 phases.

I can tell that students are practicing multiplication as they are doing much better on their fact timings. I know that more hard work and persistence they will have all of them. I like how you are checking the laminated boards after they do a row so that they don't do the whole thing wrong.
No spelling list this week or no nightly writing.
Reminder: Tomorrow is a 1/2 day with a 12:00 dismissal. So please make arrangements for pick-up accordingly.
Have a great night and stay warm.

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