Monday, November 1, 2010


We made it through a Monday after Halloween. Actually, I thought all would be tired and coming off their sugar high but we had a great day.
You may have noticed that a map of the Northeast came home today. We are studying the NE and students need to memorize the 12 states and their capitals. They are listed on the side of the blog also. They were excited about the song too. It can be found under my favorite links list. It has all 50 states & capitals which they will need to know by the end of 4th grade. The test over the NE won't be for a couple weeks so they have plenty of time to study them.

Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Tues.-Thurs. You will have a reminder of your time on your child's report card which go home tomorrow. I look forward to seeing & visiting with each of you. Please make extra time when you come to look at all the things they have done that are on display in the hallway. I am so so PROUD of them as they have done an excellent job this quarter.

Wow-I was so impressed by the nightly writing journals last week. All the drug free presentors/field trips definitely made a big impression on the students. I am so glad they took it all serious enough to start thinking about the choices they make now influence them and their families in later years. I hope they shared a lot of what they heard and learned with you and you had some pretty serious evening dinner table/bedtime talks. That is what it is all about.

Remember that it is 12:00 dismissal Wed.-Fri. Please make arrangements ahead of time.
Permission slips for ABT are due tomorrow. I got most of them on Monday, but a few are still out there. $1000 have been collected.
Remember those October Reading Calendars as they are a big part of your reading grade.
Have a great night.

1 comment:

Arty4ever said...

For a fun way to memorize the 50 states and capitals, check out: