Monday, October 27, 2014

We Are "RED-Y To Say NO to Drugs!!

Yes, we had lots of red on today to kick off Red Ribbon/Drug Free Week.  I am excited for all the things we have planned in our classroom for the week.  We learned today about how RRW got started. Ask your child who Enrique "Kiki" Camarena is and what he tried to do.  We watched a great You Tube video today titled Kiki's Legacy if you wish to view it.  If they can tell you a little bit about him write Kiki in the planner.
We started to decorate our classroom door today as Student Council is sponsoring a door decorating contest.  The theme is "Say Boo to Drugs".  I will post a pic of our door tomorrow when it is finished.
Tomorrow's theme day is "Put a cap on drugs" -wear a hat.
Also, tomorrow we have some Skyview High students coming in that are part of a school group called SADD-students against destructive decisions.  They will talk about the impact of drugs and how it affects grades and extra curricular activities.
I am happy to report that the students did a great job with the substitute, Ms. Jensen, while I was out celebrating my Dad's 92nd b-day.  We had great family time!!!
NE states & capitals test is on Wednesday.  Remember they need to know the location as well as the states & capitals.
I was happy to see so many of you participated in the Pumpkin Patch Party.  Students who attended earned $200 free money.  Speaking of free money, we are going to have an electronics day on Friday where students can bring in their IPods, DS's or whatever they may have school appropriate music/games loaded on it to use during free work time, recess, and Fun Friday.  The cost of the buy in will be announced tomorrow.  Then any extra money they have left will be used to purchase coupons and items from Mrs, Hankins's store on Friday, November 7th.
Thank you for getting your conference slips back.  We as a staff are having a meeting tomorrow to set those up so you will get a notice of your date/time later this week.
Have a great night.

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