Monday, October 13, 2014

Field Trip Tomorrow

Yes, tomorrow is our field trip to the Metra for the NILE Montana History Lessons.  We will be leaving school at 11:10 so we are going to be having lunch in the classroom at 10:45 so make sure you bring your sack lunch.  The following people opted for school sack lunch:  Megan, Keilah, Cole, Cayden, Jesus, Alexis, Serenity, and Kassidee so you do not have to bring a lunch as one will be provided.  Also, remember to dress for the weather and wear good walking shoes.
Journey of Fallen Rock books-if you wish to order an autographed copy of the book, please send in $4.00 with your child by Wednesday.
Remember Early Out on Wednesday-12:00 dismissal and NO SCHOOL ON Thursday & Friday.
Practice those states & capitals along with IXL math.  If you practice these tonight, write practiced in the planner for free money.
Have a great night.

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