Thursday, October 30, 2014

Amazing Day Today

We were very fortunate to have 2 students along with the addiction counselor from Rimrock Foundation here to share their stories about drug addiction.  Their individual & family lives along with their education have been changed quite dramatically because of decisions they made when they were in the 8th grade.  Their messages were very powerful to say the least.  Have a little discussion with your child about this and if they can share some helpful information that they will take with them throughout their school years & lives, write a smiley face in the planner.
Tomorrow's dress up/theme day is: "Say Boo to Drugs-wear black & orange (no Halloween costumes).
Tomorrow is also Electronics Day-students who have enough fake money ($500) will be able to bring their IPods, D-S systems, MP3 players, etc. as long as they have school appropriate music & games on them.  They will be allowed to listen to music during independent work time and at morning recess as well as play their game systems & listen to music during Fun Friday.
Tomorrow's day will still be educational related, but there will be Halloween activities provided to make the day more fun.
Tomorrow is Library so get those books back.
Caiden is our Student of the Week and we got to learn all about him.  We learned that he loves Legos and is very good at making models of things with them.  We also learned that he likes: Art, spaghetti, blue, and football.  When he grows up, he wants to be a builder.  How cool is that!!!!
Have a great night.

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