Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Thank you-Thank you

First of all, I would like to thank you for coming to the Open House last night if you were able to make it.  It is so good to see you take an interest in your child's education and to see & hear about the classroom happenings of where they spend a good portion of their day.  Let me know one highlight of the evening by writing it in the planner for free money.
Just a few notes for the rest of the week:  If you sold coupon books and didn't get them last night, your child should have brought them home tonight for you to deliver.  Thank you to all of you for helping & for our wonderful PTA for all their work in this endeavor.
First round of Honor Choir tryouts are complete and your child will be notified on Friday as to whether they made it into the 2nd round.
Lead 21 small readers-we started these today with some good group reading & discussions.
Mrs. Neese started her classroom sessions today.  Ask your child about the funny video they watched & if they can tell you about it, write president in the planner for money.
In Montana History this week, we learned about the Continental Divide in which it runs through MT.  Ask your child what is significant about the rivers on the east & west side of it and if they can tell you where the rivers drain into, write Continental Divide in the planner.
Remember Library books & PE shoes for Friday.
Celebration Time-They have earned their first 25 compliment points so we will have a class celebration on Friday.  Whoot-whoot!!!!!  Fun thing about most of these compliments is that they came from other adults in the building that these kiddos come in contact with.  Proud teacher here!!!!
Have a great night.

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