Friday, September 25, 2015

Saturday Live Tomorrow

Yes, tomorrow is Saturday Live at Pioneer Park starting at 10:00.  Go enjoy and have some good old family fun!!!  Please write in the planner if your child went as they will receive free money.  Thank you so much to those of you that donated candy for the Sweet Shack.  So appreciate you.
Today, we held our first Purple Hand Cookie class nominations & vote.  Students nominate classmates that they feel show true character both in & out of the classroom here at school.  We really spent time discussing how those nominated need to go above & beyond just the ordinary daily expectations of being kind & helpful.  I like the kids to take ownership of this as they spend the most time with each other & I don't see or hear everything that goes beyond the classroom walls.  We also talk about how it is NOT a popularity contest!!!!!!   Our first winner is:  Carly Bryant. Congratulations!!!!!
Tristina is our Student of the Week this week.  We enjoyed hearing all about her & seeing the fun things she shared.  Some of her favorites are:  pizza, Harry Potter, Christmas, pink, art, and Montana History.  Her idea of a perfect day is when the sun is shining and here is no rain or snow.

Midterms went home today.  Overall, they were very good and I am so proud of these kiddos.  They continue to amaze me with their willingness to learn and positive behaviors.  Just love them!!!!  Please go over the mid-term reports and when you do, write mid-terms in the planner so I know you saw them.

Happenings for the upcoming week:

In Reading, we will be continuing with our Heritage unit.  We have learned a lot about heritage and how it can be handed down through generations.  Now is the time to start talking amongst your family and decide what your child is going to share with the class that is a part of your family's heritage.  It can be a food, dance, music, games, art, stories, etc.  They also will have to have a written part to go with it explaining what culture it is, where it came from, and how your family celebrates with it.  I have not determined a date yet as to when it is due, but will let you know at least a week ahead of time.  This is going to be our Inquiry Project for this unit.

Language-we are going to be working on Nouns-singular -plural & possessives
Math-Go Math takes us into addition & subtraction.  WE are now ready & set up to do some of the online pieces that go with it.
Spelling-Unit 5 words on Homonyms
Science-Matter & Energy unit-fun experiments & exploration coming this week.  I am sure you will hear all about it. :)
Social Studies-finishing up map skills and working on some flag activities as we tied that into our Character trait of Citizenship.  Speaking of flag, ask your child what a nickname for the flag is and what the 3 colors represent.  If they can tell you, write flag in the planner for free money.  They were amazed  to see & hear about how our flag has changed throughout the years as we kept adding states to the union.
Read-A-Loud-we will continue to read Naya Nuki and all her adventures.  The big question now is:  "will she escape"?   If she does, when & how?????  Ask your child about this book daily as it is a fabulous survival adventure story.
Permission slips will be coming home on Monday for a little outing that Grades 4-6 will be taking on Friday, October 2nd.  We will be going to Castle Rock to watch the Skyview Homecoming Parade and to cheer on & support our High School.
PTA t-shirts & sweatshirts went home today if your child ordered one.
Thank you to those of you that signed up for  It is so fast & easy isn't it!!!!!!
Have a great weekend, enjoy the nice weather,  and have fun at Saturday Live
Best of luck to all the students playing sports this weekend and of course GO CATS!!!!!!!!!

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