Thursday, April 23, 2015

Round 1 of Testing is Complete!!!!

Yes, even though we had some technical glitches today, we finished the SBAC testing which we are happy about.  We will be doing the MAP (NWEA) testing the week of May 11th.  These are the ones that give students & teachers the best data because they are comparing their fall scores to their spring scores to show the growth they made throughout the year and they aren't compared to any other 4th graders by themselves!!!!
Today in Montana History, we learned more about the trapping/trading era of our state's history and how the Indians & Metis were so important during this era and how many trappers operated in brigades(teams)  but how some became free trappers(more individual, or one or 2 companions)  Ask them which method actually worked out best and what it was called that this group of trappers met at each time every year.  If they can tell you, write rendezvous in the planner.
Tomorrow we get back to our normal schedule.  YAAAAYYYY!  So we will finish up our measurement unit in Math and work on our gameboards in Lead 21.
Remember Library books tomorrow.
Have a great night.

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