Friday, April 24, 2015

Happy Friday!

Thank you to those of you who turned in your $2 for the owl pellets.  Please get your money to me by this coming Thursday so your child will be able to participate in the dissection.  Thank you.
Upcoming Week:  We will get to have a so called normal week this week as no testing schedule to follow.  So here are the happenings:

Lead 21-We are going to finish & play our game boards and start on our 3rd & final Benchmark assessment.

Math-We are going to making line plots with fractions and then reviewing year long skills in preparation for the MAP testing.  Monday will be the Metric Olympic activities.  Remember to dress for the activities.
Language-finish up our cumulative review.
Spelling Unit 32 words
Montana History-finishing up the trapping/trading
Social Studies-starting the West Region
Science-owl studies

Here is the letter that Mr. English wants us to post on our blogs.

Dear Families,
Thank you for your generous support of the November 2013 school bond.  You made it possible for some long overdue repairs to update our 50 year old building.  This summer our school is getting new windows, lighting, ceilings, and room heating units.  With this great blessing comes the challenges that we have to be completely moved our of the building by June 8th.  It is a huge task so we have decided as a staff to "eat the elephant one bite at a time."  As a result, you may find things like bulletin boards and books are being packed in your child's classroom on an ongoing basis.  During this time we will be looking for educationally sound opportunities that give staff some time to pack but keep students engaged in positive learning activiites.  There may be a grade level PE event on the playground or a movie in the gym.  We will keep you informed as these opportunities arise.  Thank you for your patience.  It will be a little pinch for a big gain.


John English
Principal, Bitterroot School

Have a great weekend everyone.

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