Thursday, March 19, 2015

Welcome Jakob!

Yes, we have  a new member to Team Hankins.  We would like to welcome Jakob.  He comes to us from Troy, MT.  I think Billings is a bit overwhelming as Troy is quite a small Montana town.
Today in Math, we worked hard on converting measurement.  We had to convert from larger to smaller and smaller to larger units by using either multiplication or division.  Have your child convert 6 ft. = ____inches.  8quarts = ______ gallons.   Do it in the planner for free money.
Today students had the HIV video in HE.  Ask them to tell you about it.
Today in Montana History, we finally reached Fort Clatsop & the Pacific Ocean where they are going to build their winter home.  Ask your child what they were able to get from the beached whale that was so valuable to them and also what they were able to get from the ocean since they had already used up all of what they brought with them.
Tomorrow is Library so get those library books back.
Have a good night.

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