Wednesday, March 25, 2015

WE Made It!!!

Yes, we made it back to St. Louis successfully with only losing one person on the expedition way back at the beginning that died of an appendicitis attack and Lewis who got shot in the thigh as he was exploring the Marias River.  So amazing considered all that they went through.  Ask your child where Pompey goes when he is only 2 years old.  IF they can tell you, write the answer in the planner.
Today, we worked hard in math on fractions, but some are still having difficulties writing the decimal for fractions who don't have a 10 or 100 as the denominator.  For example 4/5 =  __________.  They need to remember to make the denominator into a 10 or a 100.  Have them do this one in the planner writing both the fraction and the decimal.
Remember, tomorrow is PE-shoes needed.
SBAC test practice-we have been working hard on practicing for the SBAC tests which we will be starting on April 14th.  We will be taking the Math & Reading.  Please stress with them the importance of doing their best and putting forth a 100% effort.
Have a great night.

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