Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Survival in Social Studies

Yes, today the name of the game was Survival in the Jamestown colony of the Southeast region.  Today we learned about some of the hazards the colonists encountered on their journey over from England along with how their life was once they got here.  Ask them about the game they played with partners as to what happened to them and then what they told John in the letter that they had to write to him either convincing him to stay or to come over to live.  Write either "stay" or "come" in the planner depending on what their advice was.
Tomorrow is MAP testing for the reading portion.  Please make sure your child gets a good night's rest, healthy breakfast, along with bringing a protein filled healthy snack for the morning before testing.
They may bring come to chew to help them relax during the test.
 They will do great and this test is to show the growth they are making so far this year and if any interventions are needed at this time.
Remember to make plans to attend one of the Christmas programs on December 19th.  Due to overcrowding, we are asking you to come to only one of the performances as it will be the same thing both times anyway.
It was great to hear how many of you had a discussion about our word of the week -"greedy" and how it is better to "give" rather than "receive".  I so hope all these Character Counts meeting discussions will make a lasting impression.
Have a great night.

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