Thursday, December 11, 2014

Hat Day Tomorrow for $1.00

Yes, tomorrow students can wear a hat all day for $1.  Donation money will go to Mr. Goodheart and his Jazz Band at Riverside so they can make a trip to Helena to play at the capital.  If you can, have fun, wear a hat, and help out a great cause.
Today in Math we learned some strategies to use to solve 2 digit x 2 digit multiplication problems.  Ask your child what their strategy is and have them do the problem 12 x 25.  If they come up with the correct answer, write the name of their strategy in the planner for free money.
Rylee was our Student of the Week this week.  We learned some of her favorites:  black, scrapbooking, Denver Broncos, dirt bikes & 4 -wheelers, and Math.
Remember Spelling test tomorrow.
Keep practicing those SE states & capitals.  Test will be on Thursday, December 18th.
Have a great night.

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