Monday, November 4, 2013

Spending Our Fake Money For Quarter 1

Yes, today students got to buy coupons with their fake money if they chose to. They were $300/each and they could buy as many as they wanted. Ask them what they purchased and write $ in the planner for free money. Tomorrow, they will be able to shop at Hankins' store to spend any remaining money. Then we start over with $100. Has been a good real-life experience. "The better the choices you make, the more money you have to spend". Raindrops and stories that came in today were amazing. I just LOVE seeing all that creativity. They are all due TOMORROW!!! Today, we had a quiz on the water cycle and they all did a great job. Tomorrow we will finish up with a weather scavenger hunt. In Montana History today, we started the government section. Our capital has not always been Helena. Ask them where the 1st capital was and if they can tell you, write its' name in the planner. Multiplication Facts: Parents please please see to it that your child practices these on a nightly basis. It is so hard to do computation if basic facts are missing. This is so important. Thank you. November Reading Calendars went home today. 600 minutes is expected for the month. Remember 150/week at least. I hope you are enjoying the pictures that came home today. Speaking of picture, the one of Kylee is she with her participation award for competing in the County/City Cross Country meet at Pioneer Park earlier this year. Great job, Kylee. Also, remember to mark your calendar for your conference time if you haven't already. They are listed over on the side of the blog. Have a great night.

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