Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Idiom Fun

Today in Lead 21, we had fun interpreting & illustrated the meaning of some fun, common idioms. Ask your child if they are in Lead 21, what their idiom was and what it means. Also, in Lead 21 today, we started Selection 3. Ask your child what their realistic fiction story is called and how it correlates with our unit called "A Green Future". We are going to be starting our Lead 21 Inquiry projects soon as Unit 2 -A Green Future starts coming to a close. Students will be choosing an endangered animal to research and find out the causes for it to become endangered and what can be done to help repopulate it. More to come on this later this week. In Montana History, we located the 7 indian reservations along with their tribes. Ask your child what at least 2/7 are. If they can tell you, write the names of them in the planner. We will do more in depth learning of these as we go. New computer program. Yes, today we started practicing keyboarding. Students each have an account so I strongly recommend they practice at home. We will do it some at school, but we have Success Maker & ReadAbout that we have to do here as they are on the school server and can't be accessed from home. The site is: www.typingweb.com/tutor. Thank you for encouraging your child to practice. The big reason we are doing this is not only to help with summaries they have to type in ReadAbout along with report typing on Microsoft word, but our upcoming tests are set up with a format such that students need to type in answers in complete sentences/paragraphs. Yikes- so keyboarding is a must!!! Also, continue to practice xtramath.com for fact mastery. Today in math we were doing multiplication/division algebraic expressions and these were tough for those kiddos that are struggling with their facts. I stressed to them the fact that they are going to take some work on their part and they aren't just going to "fall from the sky" and into their memory bank. We made our flashcards today for the NE states & capitals so now we have another tool to use for mastering them. Continue to practice-the test will be sometime in the next 10-14 days. Library books tomorrow. Also, remember recorders need to be brought back here for Music on Thursday. Have a great night.

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