Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Conference Date & Time Slips

YAAYYY!! I got it right this time!! Yes, the goldenrod conference slips came home today with your child's day/time for their conference next week. I think I/we were able to give you your 1st choices so please look them over and then sign the bottom 1/2 and return it to school tomorrow to confirm. Thank you. Tomorrow is the final day of Red Ribbon Week. It is mustache day-"I must-ache you to not do drugs". We are having an assembly tomorrow as a culminating activity. The Skyview SADD group is coming to talk with the 4th grade in the afternoon. Today's students from Senior High/Rimrock Foundation were not able to come. Their counselor/therapist said they were not ready as they are going through some tough times with their addictions. We used this as a teachable moment today as Rusty's show was on addiction also. Quite a powerful discussion we had this morning. In the minds of a 10 year old they just can't figure out how someone could or would do drugs, much less become addicted. I sure hope it stays that way for them. If you are having some good discussions this week about our topics, write "Just Say No" in the planner. On Thursday, as a culminating activity we are going to integrate math/writing by writing recipes for being drug free. Tonight is the last night for raindrop stories. Yes, they are to get back to the collection stage where they started their story since the water cycle goes round-n-round. Then tomorrow they are going to get a tagboard raindrop pattern to create their raindrop character to go with their story. The sky is the limit on the creativity for this project!!! We started our Geography Challenge for the Northeast section today. Keep studying those states & capitals. If you are, write NE in the planner. Reminder: October reading calendars are due on Friday with your total number of minutes for the month. November calendars will be given out on Friday. Have a great night.

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