Friday, October 28, 2011

YCDC Field Trip

Wow-what an impact this day made on all of us from the minute our field trip began to the end of the great assembly we had today.
Our field trip to the YCDC was a real eye-opener and showed the kids what happens when you make bad choices. They really took it all serious and I heard so many times "I don't ever want to come back here" or "being here would be no fun at all" and "ooh-this place doesn't smell very good". They not only gave them a tour of the facility, but also showed how the paintball gun works along with the taser. We loved seeing you in the restraining chair, Ben. Oh, the look in your eyes when you first got in there was priceless. The law enforcement officers down there try to portray the reality of it as much as they can for the 4th grade.
They did an awesome job and they love Bitterroot kids too and we always keep getting invited back.
To end our day, we had a great assembly put on by MCC (Montana Conservation Corp). They once again portrayed the effect of drugs on the individuals and their families.
Pumpkin Patch Party: Tonight is the pumpkin patch party from 6:30-8:00. Bring on the fun costumes. If you & your child attend, please write PPP in the planner for $200 free money.
Reminder: Next week is Parent Teacher Conferences with early dismissal on Wed., Thurs. and Friday (12:00).
I can't wait to visit with each of you at your scheduled time.
Report Cards will be coming home on Tuesday.
Thank you and have a great safe weekend.

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