Thursday, October 6, 2011

Auction Tomorrow

Tomorrow we will be having the auction for those of you that have made "good" choices this year so far and have enough money left after buying in to the field trips. I am going to have you save some for the Drug Free Week activities just to make sure you can participate, but anything beyond that can be spent.
Speaking of choices, some didn't make very good choices this afternoon after lunch. Lots of talking out and lack of respect was shown to myself and Ms. Buss in PE. Needless to say, I was very disappointed this afternoon in some of the kids, not all. They know who they are and I visited with Ms. Buss at the end of the day and got a list from her so they will face consequences tomorrow for making poor choices and not using good character. Those that did what they were supposed to -GREAT JOB!! You should be proud. I know I am proud of you! They also have to write about their behavior tonight along with their nightly writing. I know tomorrow will be a great day so let's GO TEAM HANKINS and have an AWESOME TGIF!!!!
Keep working on those states and capitals. I have a website you can go to to practice. Test will be Wednesday, October 12th.
Also, I have posted a few new math sites to practice the math we have been doing here in the classroom.
Speaking of websites, I will be sending info home on a math fact drill one that I will be introducing to the kids soon. It is one that I will encourage you to have them do on a nightly basis. More on that soon.
Remember Library books tomorrow.
Have a great night and enjoy this cool weather.

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