Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Not a lot to post today. Students had another great day and were very busy. I was so happy to see that they retained the concept of rounding and using compatible numbers to help them with Estimation in Multiplication. Way to go!!
State reports are coming along very well and they seem to be doing their best and taking pride in their work. We will keep working on them here at school.
A big thank you to you parents for getting your child the tri-fold board.
Tomorrow we will start our new Science concept on hibernation, torporing, and dormancy. When we oovooed Jeff on Monday he explained them so we will see who was paying attention.
I inadvertently omitted Madisson Wallman's name from the Venture Theater participants so I wanted to include her in on that. So sorry Madie!!
They are studying the food guide pyramid in Health and some of them brought that home for homework as their pyramid is due next Tuesday. If your child can tell you one of the food groups, write it down for free money at check in.
Tomorrow is Recorders and books day in Music.
Have a great night.

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