Thursday, January 13, 2011


HOMEWORK-HOMEWORK! Some students are being repeat offenders of missing or late work. When a student does not finish work during the school day this becomes HOMEWORK and also they having nightly writing M-Th that needs to get done. Some students are having difficulty getting back into the "swing" of things since the break. The homework expectations have not changed since Day 1.
Also, lots of TALK-OUTS & LACK OF LISTENING SKILLS. This is totally uncalled for and a sign of disrespect to myself and their classmates. I am having to repeat directions more than once and I will no longer be doing this so hopefully they will listen the first time or figure things out on their own. Talk-outs are rude and very frustrating for those who are trying to listen, learn, and answer a question for the whole group. Again, they no better so please please talk to your child about these things. We have 1/2 of the year left so let's make it the best we can and learn- learn- learn!! If you go over these things with your child write the word EXPECTATIONS in their planners for a larger sum of $ at check in tomorrow.
Let's go TEAM HANKINS we can do this!!!
REMINDER: Get those Tri-fold boards for Social Studies state reports-have them here by Monday.
Also, tomorrow starts school store. Items are from 50cents to $2.00.
Water Cycle song-if your child wants to go to the water cycle song on the You Tube it will match the words that they have printed out and we sing here at school.
Have a great night.

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