Friday, May 27, 2016

Fun at Pompey's Pillar

We had a great day yesterday at Pompey's Pillar.  We had 3 sessions.  One, we walked up to the pillar.  Ask your child how many steps.  Learned a lot about the geography of this area up there and how it was full of wildlife and how Clark and his men came through they.  Saw Clark's signature as well.  Then we were in the Interpretive Center where there was lots of hands-on information and we also got our FREE park passes.  Make sure you and your family take advantage of it this summer.
Lastly, we went into the cabin and learned a lot about animals.  Buffalo, bobcat, grizzly bear, mountain lion, etc.  Then the rain came and we had to eat lunch in the bus, but the kids did great.  We had a very nice, kind bus driver to allow that.  But, it was a typical rain shower and didn't last long so we could get out and run around while others shopped.  So as you can see, it was a GREAT day.  Ask your child their favorite part.
Congratulations to Mia, our final Purple Hand Cookie winner.  She was nominated for being kind, caring, and a good friend.  Great Job!!!!
Dates for next week:

Monday-No School
Tuesday-we will have Library & Music as well as a Post visit from Pompey's Pillar here in our classroom.
Wednesday-students will have the opportunity to spend their fake money.
Thursday-clean out desks and Soul Surfer Movie-don't forget to bring a drink and a treat
Friday-Last Day-12:00 Dismissal

I write this post with a heavy heart as this is my last (12th) year here at Bitterroot so I need to be transferred to another building.  But, I can honestly say that these kids have made my last year the BEST!!  That is what makes it so hard to leave along with all the amazing families & students I have had the privilege to teach and get to know over the past 12 years.  Not to mention the great colleagues/friendships I have.  But, I am not leaving town so I know I will still keep in contact with so many.  But good feeling & memories I am left with.  I don't know as of yet where I will be transferred, but will let you know when I find out.
Have a great 3 day weekend with your families & friends.
Cya next week.

Friday, May 20, 2016


Yes, these kids again showed their FABULOUSNESS by doing their very BEST on the last of the BIG tests for the year.  I am proud of each and every one of them.  Also, I am so happy to report that we had 100% attendance so no make-ups which allows us to take part in the upcoming fun things this week.

Wednesday is Field Day from 12:45-2:45.  Thank you to Jennifer Jones & Jenny Jasper for volunteering to help with this.  Make sure your child dresses for the weather & activities that day.  Sunscreen/hat would be a good idea as well as comfortable clothing & tennis shoes.

Thursday is our Pompey's Pillar Field Trip.  We will leave at 9:00 and return by 2:00.  If any one would like to volunteer to go along, please let me know as ASAP.  Always nice to have an extra body or two.  Thank you.

Other than those 2 big days, academics will remain as normal as possible.
Thank you and have a great weekend.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Last of the Testing on May 16-20!!!

Yes, we are completing the last of the testing on the Week of May 16-20 in the afternoons.  Once again, please make sure your child is prepared for these by getting a good night's rest, a protein breakfast, as well as a protein snack.  Also, they may bring gum to chew for the testing sessions.
As always, give them a little "I BELIEVE IN YOU" speech to encourage them to try hard and do their BEST!!!!  If you do this, write BELIEVE in the planner.
We are winding down to the point of earning our Bitterroot Bucks.  Students will be paying for their last field trip this week and then any money they have left over will be able to be spent on End of the Year Ice Cream Sundaes!!!!

Here are a few important end of the year dates:

May 16-20-SBAC testing
May 25-Field Day- 12:45-2:45 for the Intermediate
May 26-Field Trip to Pompey's Pillar- Permission slips going home on Monday.
May 31st-Pompey's Pillar Follow-up visit.
June 1st-Soul Surfer Movie-permission slips will be coming home for this as well as it is rated PG, but it is an awesome conclusion to all our Character Building & Believing!!!!
June 3-Last Day-12:00- Dismissal

Have a GREAT weekend.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Mid-terms Went Home Today

Yes, midterms went home today.  Overall, they were very good.  Let's keep up the good work Team Hankins and finish the year STRONG!!!!
Speaking of working hard, we finished our first round of testing last week and the overall results were very good.  Lots of good growth especially in Math & Language!!!!  YAYYYY!!!!
The state tests or the SBAC are scheduled for the week of May 16-20 for 4th grade so hopefully this helps you plan accordingly.
Field Trip next week.  Yes, we are going to North Park for the Arbor Day Celebration.  Students will be expected to conduct themselves in a respectful manner and show they can handle this privilege and extension of learning outside the 4 classroom walls.  If any of them have difficulty, they will not have the privilege of going on our 2nd trip to Pompey's Pillar.
Congratulations to Sophie, our Purple Hand Winner.  She was nominated for her kind, caring spirit as well as her helpfulness.  Great job!!!!
Carly was our Student of the Week again.  Yes, we are on Round 2 of Student of the week.  Always fun to hear about them and their family lives.
By the time you read this blog, the School Carnival will most likely be over.  I hope all that came enjoyed it and got some fun things to take home.  Thank you for supporting Bitterroot School.  Thank you to all the PTA people that helped make it a success.  Your hard work and time surely do not go unnoticed.
They will be a spelling list next week even though it is a short week.
Yes, there is NO SCHOOL  on Friday, May 6th.
Hopefully, students are practicing their West Region states & capitals.
In Math, we continue to work hard with decimals & fractions.
One more Wednesday for the 5th/6th grade bake sale.
Have a great weekend.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Penny War Winners!!!

Yes, Team Hankins was the winner of the school-wide Penny War.  Don't you love the trophy??  Thank you, Mr. Crofett for your creativeness!!!  We are excited to report that Bitterroot raised $1500 for the Bravehearts Program.
Monday starts our NWEA testing.  See the note sent home with the schedule on it as well as important information.  Please make sure your child is here to school on time for these testing days.
I am so excited for them to show all they have learned and grown this year.  I will be giving each of them their fall scores and then a level of growth that they are expected to make in a given year for them to set RIT goals for each of the 3 tested subject areas.  As the note says, please have a chat about the importance of working hard to do their best to show all they know to help place them in their next year's classroom.  If you have this visit, write NWEA in the planner.
Mark your calendars for Thursday, April 28th at 9:00 for the recorder concert.  Once again, they have amazed me as to how far they have come since Day1.
No spelling words next week.
Math-we are working hard on reading/drawing angles of different sizes.
Montana History-Fur trading/trapping-will finish up this week.
Reading-book clubs with lots of skills/strategies/book discussions.  The kids are doing a great job with this and loving their book discussions.
Have a great weekend and as always, if any questions, please ask.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Congratulations to our Award Winners!!!

Great job to each and every one of you, but especially to our BUG/Terrific Kid Award Winners.  They are:  Tira, Ella, Carly, Jerzie, Sophie, Kyle, Faith, Alex, Mia, Nolan, and Damion.  Come on Team Hankins-let's add to this list for the 4th & final quarter of 4th Grade!!!  YOU CAN DO IT!!!!  Remember we are going to finish the year strong with PERSEVERANCE & GRIT!!!!
Our Bobcat Award winner goes to Carly for always be so kind, caring, and helpful to each & every one of her classmates no matter what situation arises.  
NWEA testing is coming up on the week of April 18-22.  We will be taking Math, Reading, and Language so make sure your child gets a good night's rest as well as healthy breakfast, and bring a healthy snack.  Attendance is also a must as students will have to make them up another time and then miss out on more classroom time.  So mark your calendars for this week.  Thank you.
Penny Wars-the jugs are heavy with lots of coins and I am so proud of our class as well as our whole Bitterroot team.  Way to help out those in need.  Final count will be announced next week. Thank you to all who contributed.  Exciting news:  Team Hankins received 500 additional pennies from Mr. English for having great attendance this week. :)  Attendance Matters!!!!!
Next week's happenings:
NO School for students on Monday.

Reading-continue with our book clubs.  We are loving reading and discussing some great literature together.
Spelling-Unit 29 word list
Math-Identifying, measuring, and drawing angles as well as decimals/fractions, and multiplying fractions.
Montana History-fur trapping/trading era

Have a great weekend and as always if any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Report Cards Went Home Today!!!

Yes, report cards went home today.  Overall, they were good.  If your child has straight A's (Terrific Kids) or brought up their grades (BUG)  from last quarter, they received a slip in there inviting you to the awards assembly on Friday, April 8th.
Also, some students received another slip about a celebration on Monday.  We are spending our Bitterroot Bucks for 3rd quarter and all students will get to participate in some form or another, but not all are eligible for lunch with me so those are the ones that received a slip so that they don't bring in a cold lunch.  Rewards are based on the amount of money they had which is based on making positive choices.  This last quarter is equally as important to make good choices and maybe even more so as we have field trips coming up and since they are a privilege and an extension to our learning in the classroom, students will need fake money to participate.  But like I always say-it is so easy to make money in here if you do "what is right".  Ask your child about the new ticket system they are excited about as just another way to earn that "fun" money.  If they can tell you, write $ in the planner for free money.
We are all working hard this last quarter to finish the year strong.  We have talked a lot and watched a video about "grit" & "perseverance".    More like that to come this coming week.

In Math, we are working hard on Geometry & Decimals.  Even though, geometry is an easier concept, we still need to take our time and be accurate when drawing angles, lines, segments, etc.
In Reading, we just finished Riding Freedom and will be going into 2 different novels and/or groups.
Spelling-Unit 28 word list which is on here.
Social Studies, we are touring the SW region.  There are only 4 states in this region so no map was sent home to study.  I think your child already knows these 4 so ask them and if they do, write SW in the planner.
Blue slips for next year's re-districting-if you haven't returned yours yet, please do so.  Thank you.
Have a great weekend.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Happy Friday!!!

Another busy week in the books and it is hard to believe that next week is the last week for this 3rd quarter.  Yikes-only one to go!!!
Some of the highlights of the week are:  Penny Wars are going GREAT and Team Hankins has lots of pennies and is strategizing as to how to place the other coins in other classes jars.  Fun to see all the excitement of helping out a great cause!!!  Keep them coins a coming!!!!
Picture day went great on Wednesday and lots of great smiles were caught on camera.
We are mastering our fraction unit in Math with lots of hard work & success.  Keep it up Team Hankins.
Purple Hand Cookie winner this month goes to Tristina.  She was nominated and voted on by her classmates for being kind, caring, helpful, and just an all-around good friend.
Congratulations to Willy, our student of the week.  Some of his favorites are:  MT History, wrestling, blue, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, and Christmas.  He feels one of the best things about him is that he gets along well with others.  In 20 years from now, he hopes to have a wife and 3 kids.
Happenings for the upcoming week:
First of all, Thursday, March 24th is an Early Out-12:00 dismissal.  Then No School on Friday of that week or Monday, March 28th.
Math-we will have our Chapter 7 test on Wed. & Thurs.
Reading-Continuing with our great novel-"Riding Freedom"  Ask your child about this book and if they can tell you 3 things about it, write RF in the planner.
Spelling-Unit 26 word list
MT History-we finished the Lewis & Clark Expedition, but now have a few things to add to our notebook. Ask your child, 3 things about this expedition and if they can tell you, write L&C in the planner.
Have a great weekend.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Congratulations to Team Hankins!!!

Team Hankins had a great week of achieving success with group effort/teamwork.  With many students participating in Box Tops & Labels for Education, we were treated to water, oranges, and rolls from the Log Cabin Bakery!!!  YUMMY!!!  A huge thank you to Jenny Jasper for collecting & counting all these which helps to buy PE/recess equipment for our school.  Then at the Read-A-Thon Assembly we were awarded our "mystery" prize for being the top readers for Grades 3-4.  Our reward was juice, homemade cookies, and an extra 30 min. of physical activity time in which we went out today and played "Spiders & Flies".  Lots of running & moving so we were able to work off those Log Cabin rolls & cookies!!!!  :)  It was fun watching them strategize while playing and having fun working together during that activity.  I can't say enough how I just LOVE these kids.  I hope they are enjoying 4th grade as much as I am enjoying them!!!!!
Also, Congratulations to James as he was the top reader in our classroom & to Willy for getting his name chosen for a Barnes & Noble gift card.  Thank you to Kristine Gaskill & Laura Lindseth for all their hard work counting up & adding all the minutes read.  Overall, Bitterroot School surpassed our school wide goal.  Make sure now that we KEEP ON READING!!!!!
We finished Round #1 of testing today as we took a 3 part Science Mont-Cas test.  Students worked hard showing all they know.
Happenings for next week:
Reading:  We are doing a whole class book called "Riding Freedom".  I am sure you will hear a lot about it as it is a fabulous book and full of adventure.  Skills/strategies we will be working on are:  predicting, questioning, connections, summarizing, main idea/detail, opinion/proof, vocabulary, and lots of figurative language.
Go Math:  mixed & improper fractions
Language-possessive pronouns & writing adventure/mystery stories
Spelling-Unit 25 word list
Montana History-we are almost to the Pacific Ocean & then heading back on the Lewis & Clark Expedition.  Ask your child who they got horses from and why they needed them and if they can tell you, write answers in the planner.
Congratulations to Carly as being our Student of the Week.  We learned lots of fun things about her.  Here are some of her favorites:  bacon, art, coloring, Harry Potter, Full House, and her favorite holiday is her birthday.  She is easy to make friends with and wants to get better at Math this year.  In 20 years, she hopes to be in the White House with her family!!!!  Will we have to wait until the year 2036 to have a female president???? :)
See the attached letter below explaining the fun "Penny War" we have going on.  Let's participate and make this a great event!!!
Have a great weekend and let's hope our Skyview Falcons do great in the Boys' AA Basketball Tournament.

Dear Bitterroot School Teachers:

Beginning March 14th, the student council will facilitate a school-wide “Ultimate Penny War.”  For this fundraiser, each classroom will place a large empty container at the office (we will provide the containers).  The students will compete against other classes in the school to raise the most money for the Braveheart Program, which provides resources for children struggling with personal loss in their lives.  All spare change and paper money counts. 

However, there is a catch.  Classes should put pennies in their own classroom jugs to count as a positive (+) gain in the war.  Other change and bills count against your classroom (-).  Put those bills/coins in other classroom jugs.  For example, if a class has 120 pennies in their own jug, another class can put a dollar bill and 2 dimes into that jug to cancel out the pennies.  This places the class back at zero in the war.  It is possible for your class to be in a negative balance as well, if more silver change and bills are in your jug than pennies.  No money amounts will be posted during the four weeks of this event.  Students must rely on looking at the jugs to determine where to put their own change during the war. Don’t let a class get too many pennies, without throwing some other change in to cancel it out.

On April 8th, at the end of the event, the money will be taken to the bank, counted, and donated to the Braveheart program. A very small award may be presented to the classroom that wins the Penny War and to the classroom who has the most money in their jug overall.  However, it is important to realize that this event is for a positive cause of community service and not simply a means to have a classroom celebration.  This fundraiser has proven to be very effective when I have organized it in the past, and I can only imagine what kind of results we could have at Bitterroot.

If you have any questions about the organization please speak with Mr. White. If you have any questions about the fundraising war, please ask Mrs. Neese, Mrs. Anderson, or Mr. Crofutt.

Thank you and let the “Ultimate Penny War” begin!

Friday, March 4, 2016


Congratulations to all of Bitterroot School & Team Hankins for shattering the school/team goals for reading minutes.  With 2 nights still to go, we as a school reached the goal so each class will have an extra recess/PE time next week to celebrate!!!!  Also, Team Hankins looks like they are going to win with 1 night to go.  Final results will be in on Monday, but we are quite far ahead in minutes.  We will find out next week what our Mystery Surprise will be.  Way to go Team!!!!!
Remember to include the money in your folders for any donations that received.  Bring all this on Monday so we can get it turned in to PTA.
We did a great job with the dress up days as well!!!!  Fun week. :)
Also, another celebration is going to happen for us next week as we are the Winners for Box Top Collecting so we will have treats on Wednesday from the Log Cabin Bakery!!!   Good Job to all that contributed to make this happen.
Construction:  As you all are aware, MAJOR construction going on near the school on Bench Blvd.  Do the best you can with drop off & pick up the rest of the year.
Heights Girls' Honor Choir-we were treated to their performance today.  What a great job to all, but especially to Sophie & Morgan.
4th Grade Science MontCas testing on Wednesday & Thursday p.m. each day so please try to make sure your child is here.  Having a good night's rest, healthy breakfast & snack is crucial.
Happenings for the week:
Math-Chapter 6 test at the beginning of the week and then we move into adding/subtracting decimals as well as trying a little multiplication of them.
Language-possessive pronouns as well as Mystery/Adventure writing with Dialogue & Figurative Language.
Spelling-review unit.  We won't have spelling for part of the week due to the Science MontCas testing so no words to study.
MT History-continuing with the Lewis & Clark Expedition
Reading-finishing up Unit 5 and then we are going to start reading a whole class book with book club discussions.
This week's blog question:  Where did the Lewis & Clark Expedition spend the winter of 1804?
Have a good weekend.

Friday, February 26, 2016


As most of you know, the Read-A-Thon is in full swing and Team Hankins is doing great!!!  We want to keep it up so we can be the winners of the "Secret Party".  Students who don't participate in the reading will not be eligible for the party.  They will have an alternative classroom placement during that time.  Right now, Team Hankins has a total of 3,246 min. We have also earned 2 of the video clues!!! Keep up the great work!!!!
Read-A-Thon theme days next week:  Monday-"Sweat it out with a good book"-wear sweats.  Tuesday-"Get a kick out of reading"-wear Western clothing.  Wednesday-"Knock your socks off with a good book"-wear crazy socks.  Thursday-"Hide in a good book"-wear camo.  Friday-"Get your paws on a good book"-wear Bobcat colors.
Great job to Tommy and the Honor Choir as they came to Bitterroot School on Thursday to perform.  They sounded AWESOME!!!!  The girls get their turn on Friday, March 4th.
Once again I want to compliment the kids on the biography projects.  Lots of compliments from those who walk by to read them.
Speaking of reading-I would like to see the students get on the Reading Plus computer program at least 3-4 times/week for 30 min.  Also, do Wowzers the other nights of the week. Doing extra at home instead of video games will pay off with the progress your child will make in their studies.
We are proud of Faith,  our Purple Hand Cookie winner for the month of February.  She was nominated & voted on by her peers for her kind, caring, helpful demeanor.  Good Job, Faith.
No student of the week share this week.
Happenings for the upcoming week:
Lead 21-we are finishing up Unit 5-Also remember to read nightly.
Spelling-Unit 23 word list
Language-we are on pronouns
MT History-Lewis & Clark Expedition.  Ask your child 3 things they have learned in MT History this week so far about it and write them in the planner for free money.
Math-we are continuing with Fractions.
Have a great week and as always, ask any questions you might have.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Midterms Went Home Today

Yes, mid-terms went home today.  Please take a look at them, sign, and return so I know you saw them and then I will send them back.  Students will have 4 weeks to bring those grades up to where they want them.
Great job on the Biography projects.  Great information and researched gathered as well as shared.  They look great on display in the hallway.
Midwest States & Capitals test is on Monday.  Remember this is locations as well.
Happenings for next week:  We are working on fractions.  We just finished equivalent so have your child find 2 equivalent fractions for 5/6 and write them in the planner for free money.
This week we are going to work with simplifying and finding common denominators.
We are finally getting back into Montana History after our States & Capitals test on Monday.  YAYYYY!!!!
Unit 22 spelling list
Language-we are starting our Unit on Pronouns.
Lead 21-Continuing with our differentiated readers which is on the Midwest as well.
Remember to be working on Wowzers & Reading Plus at home.

Congratulations to Faith, our Student of the Week.  Some of her favorites are:  pizza, music, purple, Christmas.  Her goal is to get good grades.  She says one of the best things about her is that she is "me".  Her idea of a perfect day is spending it with her family.  I always love Fridays and hearing them share.
Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Happy Wednesday

I know I don't usually post on Wednesday, but I TOTALLY forgot to do it this past weekend as I was in North Dakota enjoying family time.  I hope all of you had a great 4 day weekend.
Biographies are due tomorrow, February 18th.  We will not get all of them shared tomorrow so if you need to, you can bring it on Friday without being penalized for a late grade.  See the photos below for an idea how to set it up, but you can totally do it as you wish to.
Math fractions-we have started our fractions unit and will be working with equivalent fractions, benchmark, simplifying fractions, etc.  A lot of hands-on math will be happening. :)
Midwest States & Capitals test is on Monday, February 22nd.
New Reading program that you are able to do online at home.  It is called Reading Plus.  The school site code is:  rpbitte and student's user name and password is their ID #.  Great program with amazing results.  Also, remember to keep working on Wowzers Math as well as practicing "count bys" at home.
Having multiplication/division facts is a must when simplifying fractions as well as finding common denominators.
Unit 21 spelling words.
Have a good rest of the week.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Valentine's Day Party Notes Went Home Today

Yes, students brought notes home today about our Valentine's Day Party which will be on Thursday, February 11th from 10:30-11:45.  (We have a 12:00 dismissal that day with No School on Friday and the following Monday.)  Students have a choice of whether to bring a decorated bag or a box for their valentines.  Each student in the class is to receive a valentine.  Class list names went home as well.
Some students volunteered to bring food items and paper products.  Thank you for helping us out.  If you were volunteered and can not help, please let me know on Monday.  Thank you.  As far as activities/entertainment, we will be playing board games so your child is welcome to bring a board game as well as CD's for music if they have any they wish to bring.
Also, students in Lead 21 have notes on their assignment notebooks regarding their biography projects.  Please let me know you saw this by putting a note in the assignment notebook.  Don't wait to long to get started as this day will come soon.
Congratulations to all our Terrific Kids/BUG Club award winners.  Great job to all of you (see pic) and let's hope to have more the next quarter.  Also, Congratulations to Jerzie, our Bobcat award winner.  She continuously displays positive character & leadership qualities.
Great job to Jerzie, our student of the week.  Some of her favorites are:  spaghetti, math, soccer, blue, Christmas.  Her idea of a perfect day is being in Dallas, TX with her family and in 20 years, she hope to have a house and a kid.
AWESOME JOB to our 3 kiddos in Nova Theater.  Sophie, Alex, and Yulana did a great job as did all the kids participating.  You make Bitterroot proud.
We were lucky enough to have a meteorologist visit our classroom on Thursday.  It was Sarah Sanchez from KULR-8.  She did a great job and all learned some fun new things as she kept the presentation all hands-on.  Ask your child what they did and learned while she was here and write it in the planner.
We had fun spending all our fake money on Monday and have now started over with new money and we had our 75th celebration point celebration as well so we are on our way to 100!!!!  Keep up the great work, Team Hankins!!!!
Make sure you are studying your Midwest Region states & capitals.
We will be having our Chapter 5 test in Go Math next week and then we can start chapter 6 on decimals after the break.
Thanks to all of you that donated to student council by purchasing popcorn today.
Enjoy watching the SuperBowl this weekend.  I just hope it is a good game.
Have a great weekend.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Happy Birthday to Me!!!

Yes, as most of you know, it was my birthday today and these kids made it extra special.  Thank you for all the fun notes, cards, book, treats, and hugs.  They are as special to me as each and every one of these kids.  They make coming to work everyday fun.
As you can see from the pictures, we had a great guest speaker in from Yellowstone National Park.  He talked about the history of the park, it features and some stories of the park and its' past.  We wrote thank you letters to Mr. Malloure and from reading them, the kids loved it and really learned a lot so ask your child 3 new things they learned and if they can tell you, write YNP in the planner.  As part of this, students and their families get a pass to enter any one of the National Parks free through August with the pass I am going to send home with them.  How cool is that-start planning your summer vacations!!!!
We did a fun scavenger hunt in Science yesterday & today learning some cool facts.  We are done with weather now and waiting for our guest speaker, a meteorologist, to come in and talk to us later next week.
Lead 21 kids will share their space topics reports on Monday.  There are 3 to finish this weekend and they know who they are.
Also, on Monday, Lead 21 kids will get their biography packets & books to start on that project.
Venture Theater is off and rolling and they will perform on Friday, February 5th.
Terrific Kids/BUG-remember if your child received a note with their report card they are eligible for an award and you are invited.
Fit Kids Club starts on Monday so if you are part of that, plan to stay after school from 3:15-4:00 on Mondays & Tuesdays.  Make arrangements to get picked up at 4:00.

Congratulations to Kylee, our student of the week.  She shared all about her fun trip to Disneyland.  Sounds & looked like a GREAT time.
Congratulations to Nolan, our Purple Hand Winner.  Great job-he was nominated and voted by his classmates for his outstanding character traits.

Happenings this week:
Go Math-Finishing up Chapter 5
Spelling-Unit 20 words
Language-persuasive writing
Reading-Benchmark Assessment
Social Studies-we will start our tour of the Midwest Region
We are going to spend our fake money for Quarter 2 on Monday afternoon.
Our 75th celebration points reward is on Tuesday from 9:15-10:00.  Students can bring in electronics and/or board games to enjoy the free time.
Have a great weekend

Friday, January 22, 2016

Report Cards Went Home Today

Yes, report cards went home and I am happy to say they were very good for the most part.  Please read the comments carefully and I hope you will give support from home to see that the things mentioned happen at home so that your child can be successful and can turn things around this next quarter.  We have 1/2 of the year left and lots of time to make GREAT things happen.  If your child is going to receive an award at our Terrific/BUG Club awards celebration, a note was placed in their report card.
Nova Theater-a representative came from the theater today and explained it to the students and if your child was interested they took a form that must be filled out and brought with them to tryouts on Monday, January 25th after school.
Fit Kids Club-students were chosen randomly by Mrs. Buss and once again your child received a letter if they were chosen.
Great job with the guest teacher yesterday.  Proud Mrs. Hankins here.
Today we took our test on division so now we are moving to Chapter 5-finally!!!!!  We didn't do all the pages of chapter 4 workbook and instead of sending it home this time, we will do the pages as review.
Happenings for the upcoming week:

Math-chapter 5-factorization/divisibility rules -composite/prime numbers
Language-continuing with adjectives
Spelling-Unit 19 word list
Science-clouds/weather unit
Reading-continuing with Space unit and working on our space topic research
Lead 21 students -Biography information will be coming home soon.

On Thursday, we have a guest speaker coming from Yellowstone National Park to share information about the history, geology, weather, and animals in the park.  Sounds very interesting.
No student of the week sharing this week as she forgot her things so will do on Monday.
Students will be spending their fake money this coming week via an auction.
 Blog question:  discuss something you are going to do to make 3rd quarter at school even more successful for you weather you have grades or behaviors to improve or even if you got straight A's what you are going to do.  Then write your idea down in the planner for free money.
Have a great weekend.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

End of the Quarter

Yes, can you believe it is already the end of 2nd quarter with the school year being half over!!!???  Where has the time gone???
Report cards will go home on Friday, January 22nd.  Then on Monday, January 25th we will have our BUG/Terrific Kids Assembly for students who have had straight A's or Brought Up Grades (BUG) from last quarter.  If your child will be part of this assembly, they will receive a note along with their report card.  Parents, you will be invited to attend if it fits your schedule.
Fit Kids Club-if your child is interested, the forms that went home are due on Wednesday.  Remember, there will be a drawing for 10 4th graders to participate.
Nova Theater-students are invited to try out for Nova theater.  Tryouts will be on Friday, January 22nd.  Usually anyone who tries out gets a part.  It is a 2 week commitment after school from 3:15-5:00ish.  Letters went home for that last week.
This past week, we had a docent from the YAM showing and talking about Art with the kids.  Ask your child what their favorite piece was and put it in the planner for free money.
Happenings for the upcoming week:
Math-we are continuing with division learning 4 different strategies to divide.  Students don't need to use all of them, but they are getting exposure to them and then they will choose which works best for them.
Reading-Unit 4-Space topics & technology
Spelling-review unit with words from the past units for test on Friday
Social Studies-Dr. MLK Jr. activities
Continue to have daily discussions about our Read-A-Loud book titled Petey.  The kids are enjoying it and truly amazed at how times have changed as far a medical diagnosis & advancements.  Thank goodness.
Remember to bring RECORDERS ON TUESDAY!!!!!
GUEST TEACHER ON THURSDAY THIS WEEK AS I HAVE TRAINING!!!!!  Please discuss those expectations with your kiddos.  Thank you
Mia is our Student of the Week.  Some of her favorite things are:  pizza, reading, blue, Christmas.  Her idea of a perfect day is at a park in New York City with her family & friends.  Twenty years from now, she hopes to have a job, a home, and a car.  She is a hard worker and we know she will be successful achieving those things.
Have a great weekend and enjoy your Monday off.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Field Trip Permission Slips

Hi there-Field trip permission slips went home today for our trip down to Alberta Bair next Friday, January 15th.  Please get those back to school by Monday or Tuesday.  Thank you.
As you can see by the math papers that came home this week, we have been working hard on division with remainders.  It would greatly benefit your child if he/she practiced some of these at home as well as keep working on those multiplication/division facts.  Remember to use Xtra Math and WOWZERS at home.  We only have so much time in school to do so much so extra practice is imminent.
Student of the Week is James.  James enjoys pizza, math, football, blue, and Christmas.  He describes himself as funny and wants to learn more about MT History this year.  His idea of a perfect day is being in Florida and one of the best things about him is that he is a good football player.
Happenings for next week:
On Tuesday, we will be having a docent come in from the YAM to share some artwork with us and talk about different artists.  She does a great job and the kids can look forward to that.
Math-we are continuing to learn different strategies to solve division problems-distributive property, compatible numbers, and the traditional algorithm with & without remainders.  Again, extra practice at home would be great.
Reading-we are starting Unit 4 of Lead 21.  It is on Space and students will be learning about different astronomers in their differentiate readers and this will lead to an independent inquiry project on biography projects.  More on that to come.
Language-continuing with irregular verbs
Spelling-Unit 17 words
Science-Weather & Climate
Ask your child about the new READ-A-LOUD book we are writing and if they can tell you 3 things about it, write the name of it in the planner for free money.
End of the quarter is quickly approaching.  It is next Friday so that means that on Monday, January 18th there is NO SCHOOL as that is a PIR Day.  Report cards will be coming home on Friday, January 22nd.

Have a great weekend and as always, if questions, contact me.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Happy New Year!!!!

Hope your year is off to a great start!!!  It has been a wonderful holiday, but I am missing my kiddos!!! Also, it has been very busy so I need to get back to work to rest a little bit!!!  HaHa!!!!   I am sure you are all wondering how Hawaii was????  Well, just imagine being in 83 degree weather daily for 9 days with the sandy beaches, lots of marine life, beautiful sunsets, and great friends and there is your answer.   Got to visit Pearl Harbor and took a huge leap of faith zip-lining in the rain forest part of the island over waterfalls.   It was amazing and look forward to going back sometime in the near future.    Looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday.
One quick note of interest for the week is that we are going to have our SE states & capitals test on Tuesday so hopefully you have been studying.
This week's blog question is to list your favorite part of the break for free money.
Have a great rest of the break and cya Monday.