Friday, January 22, 2016

Report Cards Went Home Today

Yes, report cards went home and I am happy to say they were very good for the most part.  Please read the comments carefully and I hope you will give support from home to see that the things mentioned happen at home so that your child can be successful and can turn things around this next quarter.  We have 1/2 of the year left and lots of time to make GREAT things happen.  If your child is going to receive an award at our Terrific/BUG Club awards celebration, a note was placed in their report card.
Nova Theater-a representative came from the theater today and explained it to the students and if your child was interested they took a form that must be filled out and brought with them to tryouts on Monday, January 25th after school.
Fit Kids Club-students were chosen randomly by Mrs. Buss and once again your child received a letter if they were chosen.
Great job with the guest teacher yesterday.  Proud Mrs. Hankins here.
Today we took our test on division so now we are moving to Chapter 5-finally!!!!!  We didn't do all the pages of chapter 4 workbook and instead of sending it home this time, we will do the pages as review.
Happenings for the upcoming week:

Math-chapter 5-factorization/divisibility rules -composite/prime numbers
Language-continuing with adjectives
Spelling-Unit 19 word list
Science-clouds/weather unit
Reading-continuing with Space unit and working on our space topic research
Lead 21 students -Biography information will be coming home soon.

On Thursday, we have a guest speaker coming from Yellowstone National Park to share information about the history, geology, weather, and animals in the park.  Sounds very interesting.
No student of the week sharing this week as she forgot her things so will do on Monday.
Students will be spending their fake money this coming week via an auction.
 Blog question:  discuss something you are going to do to make 3rd quarter at school even more successful for you weather you have grades or behaviors to improve or even if you got straight A's what you are going to do.  Then write your idea down in the planner for free money.
Have a great weekend.

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