Friday, April 8, 2016

Congratulations to our Award Winners!!!

Great job to each and every one of you, but especially to our BUG/Terrific Kid Award Winners.  They are:  Tira, Ella, Carly, Jerzie, Sophie, Kyle, Faith, Alex, Mia, Nolan, and Damion.  Come on Team Hankins-let's add to this list for the 4th & final quarter of 4th Grade!!!  YOU CAN DO IT!!!!  Remember we are going to finish the year strong with PERSEVERANCE & GRIT!!!!
Our Bobcat Award winner goes to Carly for always be so kind, caring, and helpful to each & every one of her classmates no matter what situation arises.  
NWEA testing is coming up on the week of April 18-22.  We will be taking Math, Reading, and Language so make sure your child gets a good night's rest as well as healthy breakfast, and bring a healthy snack.  Attendance is also a must as students will have to make them up another time and then miss out on more classroom time.  So mark your calendars for this week.  Thank you.
Penny Wars-the jugs are heavy with lots of coins and I am so proud of our class as well as our whole Bitterroot team.  Way to help out those in need.  Final count will be announced next week. Thank you to all who contributed.  Exciting news:  Team Hankins received 500 additional pennies from Mr. English for having great attendance this week. :)  Attendance Matters!!!!!
Next week's happenings:
NO School for students on Monday.

Reading-continue with our book clubs.  We are loving reading and discussing some great literature together.
Spelling-Unit 29 word list
Math-Identifying, measuring, and drawing angles as well as decimals/fractions, and multiplying fractions.
Montana History-fur trapping/trading era

Have a great weekend and as always if any questions, please feel free to contact me.

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