Thursday, February 5, 2015

Quick Post

Quick post tonight as I had 2 meetings today at the end of the day.
The one thing I want to share with you is about our morning meeting today and what we talked about.
We discussed things that we really need to work on as a class & school here at Bitterroot both inside the building and out at recess.  Please discuss with your child what we talked about and how they are going to do their part to show kindness & respect throughout their school day and hopefully when they are off the school grounds as well.  You all know me well and I don't get frustrated very often, but I did today as we had just spent 30 min. during our meeting talking about how we were going to be kind, caring, respectful citizens to others and then at lunch recess they were some kids that had negative behavior which is so disheartening.  We talked after that today as a group and they kids got to share their thoughts with those that were being negative so hopefully hearing it from their peers instead of us teachers here at school will help.  So take some time to discuss this tonight so we Team Hankins can be leaders to help make Bitterroot School the BEST!!!!!  Thank you.  If you do, write your thoughts in the planner.  Thank you.

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