Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Happy Terrific Tuesday

Yikes--I was wondering as the day went along today as to how many would still be standing by the end.  This flu bug is dropping students like flies.  We have been sanitizing our desks and stressing the importance of washing those hands.  Let's hope we can get through this and get everyone else soon!!!
We did our perimeter & area NASA robots today.  As you can see from the pictures, they came in all different shapes & sizes.
Today we started our 2nd Lead 21 Benchmark test.  These are to be done after every two units and now that we are finished with Unit 4 our space unit we are to test before moving to Unit 5.
This week in our Character Counts meetings, the topic is on drama.  We have had some great discussions on this and how to avoid it or to turn the negative into a positive.  Have a discussion about a couple kinds of drama and how it affects student friendships and ability to do well in school.  If they can have a good discussion with you about this topic, write drama in the planner.
Tomorrow we are going to discuss our upcoming Valentine's Day Party which will be on Thursday, February 12 from 10:30-11:45.  We have a 12:00 dismissal that day.  So more information on this to follow after tomorrow.
Have a great night.

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