Friday, March 14, 2014

Recorder Concert

Yes, the date for the recorder concert has been set and it is Friday, April 11th at 10:00 in the gym. Hopefully this gives you enough time to plan accordingly. They sound amazing so you don't want to miss it!!!! Picture Day went smoothly today and we all brought our cheerful, fun smiles. We had buddies today and we wrote some funny limericks. Ask your child what the pattern for a limerick is and if they can remember the one they wrote today have them share it with you. If they can at least tell you what a limerick is, write limerick in the planner. Compliments galore today. Yes, I have to say, these kids received a compliment from the photographer during pictures. They had a guest teacher in PE today and they received one from him and they also received one from Mr. English as we went in to the gym to check on the guest teacher and he complimented them also. So Way to Go!!!!! Team Hankins!!!!! Letter from Mr. English went home today regarding the upcoming testing for the Smarter Balanced Tests. Please-please don't stress out about these as we don't want to stress anyone out. We are using this test as an opportunity to use technology for testing purposes. Any questions you may have about it, may be addressed to Mr. English. Thank you. Happenings for the upcoming week. Lead 21-we are starting Selection 3 which is historical fiction related to the Midwest. These are some great stories that tell about parts of history. Your child will be able to share them with you as we read them. Skills for the week are: cause/effect, determining importance, and writing similes. Strategies are making predictions and identifying the mood & tone of the selections we read. In Language, we will be learning about adverbs. Spelling-Unit 28 word list Social Studies-we will finish our geography challenge on Monday and then start the tour of the Midwest learning about 10 different locations. In Science, we will continue to observe our worm habitat and finish gathering facts about "How Earthworms Grow". In Math, we will continue our Geometry Unit learning about parts of a circle, symmetry, and measuring angles. Make sure your child has a protractor. Thank you. No student of the week to share as everyone has gotten through so we won't repeat. Monday is St. Patrick's Day-show your Irish side and wear some "green" for free money. Have a great weekend and make some fun memories.

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