Sunday, March 2, 2014

Busy Week Ahead

Hope you are enjoying your weekend and staying warm. I am so ready for warm weather to arrive this week!!!!! Mont-Cas testing on Tuesday & Wednesday for 4th graders in Science. MontCas are the old tests that we used to take for Reading, Language, Math, and Science. But now with the new Common Core/Smarter Balanced testing, we are only doing the Science MontCas. They will be done during our reading block time. They are done in booklets and not on computer. Please see that your child has a good night's rest, healthy breakfast, and bring a healthy snack. Also, bring gum for the test if you wish. Also try to please make sure your child is at school on those days. Of course with all the bugs going around, if they are sick that is totally understandable. Objectives/plans for the week are: Lead 21-finishing up with Week 1 of Unit 5-skills are main idea/detail, visualizations, and prefixes. Language-possessive pronouns Spelling-Unit 26 word list Math-Rounding decimals & assessing our decimals/fractions unit. Montana History-finishing up detailed facts & info. on Sacajawea, Pompey, and John Coulter-trader/trapper. Science-continue with our worm facts. Congratulations to Ava, the purple hand recipient. She was chosen by her peers for her kind, caring, helpful ways. Isaiah was our Student of the Week. He had lots of fun pictures and things to share. He had the class laughing in stitches with some of his fun baby pictures. Some of his favorites are: color-green; book-Captain Underpants; food-hamburgers; subject-math; sport-football. He hopes to be a professional football player someday and the thing he thought we didn't know about him is that he can draw really good. Tomorrow is electronics day in Art. Yes, the kids can bring in electronics to listen to music while they do art. Also, if you didn't get your Read-A-Thon folder turned in on Friday, you have tomorrow yet to do so. Have a great rest of the weekend and as always if you ever have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

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