Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Outside Recess

Yes, the students finally got to go out and have fun in the snow thanks to it being above 0. I was so pleased and happy to see all of them dressed for the weather which made it fun out there for them. Thank you, parents for making sure they came to school dressed appropriately. Today we started linear measurement in math. We started by making our conversion charts. Ask them why Denver is called the Mile High City and if they can tell you, write Denver in the planning. We also learned our first algorithm for learning LONG division. It is the traditional method that you & I learned, but we made a poster called the Royal Family. Ask them the 5 members of the family and if they can tell you, write division in the planner. In Montana History, we learned how the horse travois replaced the dog travois and why the horse became so important for the indians to have. Ask them to tell you at least 2 reasons why. Wednesday, December 18th is Holiday Spirit Day here at Bitterroot. Wear your favorite holiday gear and donate $1.00 to Toys For Tots. Another great way to give back and share in the spirit of giving just like our Empty Stocking endeavor. We have a $100 and now the kids want to make a new goal of $125!!! Can we do it???? BELIEVE!! Tomorrow is the Bitterroot Band & Orchestra Concert at 8:45 and we will be attending that so Library is rescheduled for Thursday morning so have your books here by Thursday. Lead 21 started small groups today with predictions. Tomorrow we share those and then start reading about the Atlantic States so be ready for your child to share lots of new information with you. Have a great night.

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