Friday, December 20, 2013

Happy Holidays!!!

We had a GREAT DAY today in Room 6. I wasn't too sure though as I had to call Mr. English at 8:30a.m. to let him know we had a problem in Room 6. Check out the pic of Phil & myself and I am sure you will see why!!!!!! FUN-FUN though and it was the "joke" of the day. I told him the "good news" about that gift bag is that it will be "recycled" and given to our BFF's who are GRIZ fans!!! Anyway, thank you, Phil & family for the great sense of humor and fun!! Thank you to all of you that sent in gifts/cards for me with your child. I appreciate your kind thoughts & words. You surely didn't have to, but it is appreciated. The BEST gift I have are these amazing 23 students & my Bitterroot Family. I truly LOVE where I work & so enjoy coming to work each day. We had fun today enjoying hot chocolate, game boards, and electronics. I think lots of fun times & memories were made today. There was not one squabble today-they all got along great. You will have to ask them about their Giggle Gang songs that they wrote & sang/performed in front of their peers. We got lots of giggles out of them. Just so you know, there was an educational part to it-using parts of speech. I think today's spelling test was their best ever-ask them about it. Congratulations to Devin for being the Purple Hand Recipient. We are so proud of you. Brenna, our new student of the week, had lots to share. We enjoyed all the pics. Here are some things we learned about her: She likes yellow, hockey, art, spaghetti, and wants to be a cop when she grows up. Have a very Merry Christmas and enjoy lots of friends & family time. Cya next year.

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