Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Testing Begins Tomorrow

Yes, tomorrow we have our first NWEA test and it is in Reading. Today, students set a goal for themself. They got to see their RIT score from the fall and then we added 8 pts. to it for them to gain. We will do the same with the Language and Math. They are excited to see all they have learned and to see the wonderful scores they are going to have. Yes-the are BELIEVING IN THEMSELVES!! Remember a good night's sleep-healthy breakfast-healthy snack, and of course-gum.
Today, we had some fun in Math with some difficult Algebraic equations. More fun to come with those tomorrow.
In Social Studies, we started our Migration Unit by reading a book with tons of whale facts that we gathered. Ask your child 3 facts they learned and write whales in the planner.
In my reading class, we finished part 1 of Balto-Yes, the serum made it to Nome and the epidemic is under control. Who will be the hero? Kassen, Balto, or Togo?? We will have to wait and see. I think we know who it should be.
They got their practice language tests back today and I would like them to look them over to see where they made their mistakes. We can learn so much from our mistakes. We went over them in class, but another look would be beneficial.
Have a great night.

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