Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Another Fun Day in Science

Today was another fun day in Science. We got together with Ms. E's class and did some rock & mineral tests. They tested them for luster, hardness, color, streak, etc. They tried to see if they floated and were acidic. Ask your child the name of 2 of the rocks they tested and also ask them what fracture & cleavage are. If they can tell you, write F & C in the planner.
We took our NWEA Language test. WOW-once again we had great results. Anywhere from a 6-24 point gain. FANTASTIC.
Friday we have the last one and that is Math. Can't wait to see those results as I feel we have done TONS in math this year.
For Earth Day, we made our earth models using marbles and paint. Tomorrow, we will write Bio-poems from the earth's point of view. Today, students took home their Home Report Card checklist. Please go over this with your child together and evaluate how "green" your family is and what you can do to become even greener. Also due Friday is the Funky Junk recycling project. Sounds like students have a great start collecting recyclable stuff. Can't wait to see the creativity.
Thank you, Jayson, for your cool student of the week board and for bringing in your bearded dragon yesterday. Glad you didn't bring in the snake. YIKES!
Recorder Concert: Check here for the time change. It is on Wednesday, April 25th at 1:30 and not 1:45 as first stated.

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