Monday, April 30, 2012

WELCOME BACK!! Yes, Welcome back Mrs. Hankins and all of you blog readers. I had a wonderful time with sisters, nieces, and godchildren. Oh how we enjoyed having quality time together. First of all, I want to compliment these kids on a GREAT JOB while I was gone. Their behavior and work was OUTSTANDING!! I had such a fabulous report from Mrs. Melber, the substitute. She said how they are definitely ready for 5th Grade-YEAH!!! Thank you to you, your child, and myself for all the hard work that we are doing TOGETHER. Raising successful, young adults takes all of us as a TEAM!! Mid-terms went home today. They look good and your child has until the end of the year to either bring the grades up or keep them there to be eligible for BUG or Terrific Kids Club. Today in Math we did some Brain Teasers. Oh how I love to challenge those brains of theirs. We also started something new in Math today that will be a weekly thing. Ask your child what it is and write Math in the planner if they can. Hint: A new clue will be added each day. In Science, we looked at fossils and talked about how they are formed. Tomorrow they will get to see some of the fossils they will be looking for on our fossil dig on May 24th. Then after tomorrow, we are moving on to Whale Migration in Science and learn lots of gray whale facts. Lots of this will be done on computers. Then in Social Studies tomorrow we are starting Montana History. We are going to start with the basics like: flag, state flower, etc. Again, this research will be done on computers. As we finish this portion we are going to learn about the Louisiana Purchase and read about the Lewis & Clark Expedition and follow their journey on a map and also make a timeline of events. This is one of my favorites as it is so interesting. Ask your child about 1 cool thing they already know about MT and write in the planner what they say for free money. My reading kids read Chapter 2 of Riding Freedom today. This book is so good and they want to keep reading it. I will DEFINITELY give a copy of the book to the Read 180 kids tomorrow so they can read it at home independently to be ready for the field trip on May 16th. Remember all 50 states and capitals test is this Thursday. Tomorrow morning (8:45-9:15) Mr. Senitte will be taking all the kids K-6 in the gym as his contribution to Teacher Appreciation Week. Thank you, Mr. Senitte, we appreciate you!!! On the side of the blog, I listed the important upcoming events and I will add to it as necessary. Have a great night.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I will make this post short and sweet as I am off to spend some fun sister-niece-little girl family time. I am so excited. Thank you to all of you who talked to your child about expectations. I so appreciate it and I know they will be awesome as they know that "true character comes through when I am not watching". Today we did the rock cycle and had a fun song to go with it to the tune of "We Will Rock You". The kids definitely understand rocks and will be ready for their test on Thursday and then we are on to fossils next week. Parent Homework: Yes, my reading kids' parents have homework that is due on Friday. It is self explanatory I am thinking and they will share it with the reading group on Friday. Can't wait to see what they could do when they were young or how their endured some hardships like Charlotte. Remember the Recorder Concert tomorrow at 1:30. I will be viewing it via the livestream website. I posted the address for it yesterday on the blog. Have a great night and I will post again next week Monday when I am back.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Whew-it was warm today!! What a great day we had today. We had our class celebration for testing. It was so much fun to play kickball as a team and class and then we enjoyed popsicles. I just love these kids and all the hard work that they put in and continue to do. Today we talked more about minerals and discussed the Mohs Scale. Ask your child what the hardest mineral is. See if they can tell you and write it in the planner. Tomorrow we will learn about the rock cycle. We studied our states and capitals with a partner and then I quizzed them before they went out to recess. Yikes-we need to practice before May 3rd as that is testing day for all 50. I am sending home a new map and study guide tomorrow to keep for practice. Please take time each day to practice these. New spelling list came home today. It has been awhile since we had a spelling list so don't forget to practice them for Friday. My reading kids started the book "Riding Freedom" today. We had some great whole book predictions and did a lot of background building to better help understand the story. Ask your child about where Charlotte ends up and why life was so tough for her back then. Reminder that the RECORDER CONCERT is on Wednesday at 1:30 in the gym. I am so bummed that I will miss it, but I will be watching live via the site: So if you can't be there or relatives want to see it, just tune into that website. I will visit with the kids tomorrow about EXPECTATIONS for the sub while I am out Wed.-Friday so please I would like you to start talking it also. If you do, please write talked in the planner. I hope to get a great report when I am gone and besides I don't want to take money or leave anyone back from the awesome field trips coming up. We have 3 planned and so students will need $3000. May is going to be a great month of learning outside the classroom. Have a great night and enjoy the beautiful weather.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Happy Earth Day

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Happy Earth Day! I hope you enjoyed the Funky Junk Slideshow with all the creative ideas and ways to recycle. Once again this group showed their awesome creativity. Wow-What a beautiful day for Earth Day!! Hopefully you are out enjoying nature and/or helping to clean it up. This week is going to be another busy week. We are going to finish up our rock unit by making crystals and geodes and then we will do a short segment on fossils to get us ready for our Fossil Dig field trip on May 24th. After this week, we will go into whale migration as a continuation of our Alaska studies. In Reading, we are starting our new book called "Riding Freedom". It is an awesome story and your child will have to much to share with you about it. After we finish the book, we are taking the field trip out to Ms. Erickson's Ranch. The Read 180 students will be given a copy of the book to read as they are going on the field trip with us and it will be a much better connection if they will have read the story. In Math, we are going to dig deeper into our curriculum along with using a protractor & compass to measure and draw different sizes and kinds of angles. Remember that on Wednesday, April 25th, the Recorder Concert is at 1:30. If you are unable to make it or want relatives to see it, make sure they go to the "You better believe" live stream website so they can watch it live. The note for this with the website went home with your child on Friday. CELEBRATION DAY TOMORROW!!!! Yes, we are going to go outside tomorrow from 1-2 to celebrate the awesome job these kids did on their NWEA tests. WOW-They by far exceeded my expectations especially in Math. I am so so excited about all the growth they made this year in all 3 subject areas. Now they realize that all the hard work and effort pays off. They truly are close to being 5th graders. One final note: I am going to be gone on Wed.-Friday so there will be a sub. It is going to be Mrs. Mullber. She has been in the building lots before and they may have had her in earlier grades. I have a chance to spend a few days with my sisters, nieces, and god-children in Denver and want to take full advantage of that. I am so looking forward to some fun "girl" time. I know these kids will do great showing positive character as they know what is expected of them. Have a great rest of your weekend.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Going Green

Just a reminder that the Home Report Cards are due tomorrow. I am hoping you are having or had a great conversation about this while filling it out together and that you are going to work hard at some things that need fixing just like we do here in our classroom. We realized that we can recycle paper more and we are guilty of using more paper towels than we need (which is also our school goal this week-to use only one sheet). I know when we work hard together-"we can make a difference."
Also, the funky junk is due tomorrow. I have heard of some pretty clever/creative ones already. I can't wait for them to share. They will be in the hallway on display for you to come in and view them if you get a chance.
Tomorrow is our last day of NWEA testing. It is in Math. Once again this group is going to "rock" and "blow" their Fall scores right out of the water. Remember that healthy breakfast, snack, and gum.
Today we did our Earth Day poems. They had many good ideas of what the earth needs and now everyone just needs to do their part to help keep it clean and a wonderful place for all living things. Ask your child about their response to one part of the poem and write poem in the planner.
Today my reading kids finished their Balto packets. We read the book Togo which is from Togo's point of view. We had a great discussion of who really was the "hero". Balto ran 53 miles of the race and Togo ran 300 miles and yet Balto got all the fame and credit for being the one who took it to the finish line. Great point we discussed: "It doesn't matter who finishes the race first, it is how you ran the race". Talk to your child about who they think the real hero is and write hero in the planner. It did a fun cinquain poem writing for this with their pictures. If you get a chance to come in to the school, you will have to come and see them in the hallway.
Have a great night

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Another Fun Day in Science

Today was another fun day in Science. We got together with Ms. E's class and did some rock & mineral tests. They tested them for luster, hardness, color, streak, etc. They tried to see if they floated and were acidic. Ask your child the name of 2 of the rocks they tested and also ask them what fracture & cleavage are. If they can tell you, write F & C in the planner.
We took our NWEA Language test. WOW-once again we had great results. Anywhere from a 6-24 point gain. FANTASTIC.
Friday we have the last one and that is Math. Can't wait to see those results as I feel we have done TONS in math this year.
For Earth Day, we made our earth models using marbles and paint. Tomorrow, we will write Bio-poems from the earth's point of view. Today, students took home their Home Report Card checklist. Please go over this with your child together and evaluate how "green" your family is and what you can do to become even greener. Also due Friday is the Funky Junk recycling project. Sounds like students have a great start collecting recyclable stuff. Can't wait to see the creativity.
Thank you, Jayson, for your cool student of the week board and for bringing in your bearded dragon yesterday. Glad you didn't bring in the snake. YIKES!
Recorder Concert: Check here for the time change. It is on Wednesday, April 25th at 1:30 and not 1:45 as first stated.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Earth Day is Coming

Yes, Earth Day is Sunday, April 22nd. Today, we read the book called "The Great Kapok Tree". Ask your child their favorite animal that came to the man who was going to chop the tree down and write it in the planner for free money. Then we showed pictures and discussed "Funky Junk" and the use of recycling. Yes, students are to collect recyclable items tonight and get an idea of what statue they want to create of a person, animal, or creature. These should not be taller than about 1 foot and should be able to stand up on their own. Have fun and I can't wait to once again see the creativeness of this group. They are due on Friday morning and please don't bring them in any sooner.
Tomorrow is NWEA Language test. Ask the students what treat they got to motivate them for tomorrow.
I can't wait once again to see their awesome scores.
Today in Science we made edible rocks. Yes, first we made sedimentary rocks and then changed them into metamorphic rocks. Ask the kids what they did and write rocks in the planner if they can tell you. It was fun, edible science.
Have a great night.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Forgot to Blog Yesterday

Yikes- I can't believe I forgot to blog on Thursday. I was so excited to have Ms. Erickson back and we were planning again for some fun learning experiences that I totally "spaced" it out. Sorry.
First of all, WOW -we had some GREAT test scores in Reading. Tons of growth made. Your child knows their scores. You will get results of these at the end of the year. Let's hope that the Language & Math will show more fabulous growth. I believe in them.
Ask them what treat they got today for being so "smart".
Today in Science, we classified examples of the 3 kinds of rocks. They are learning so much. I think we have some future geologists in here.
We finished Balto today and will complete the whole unit next week with a few other activities. Ask your child where Balto ended up and how kids helped him in return.
Reminder: No School on Monday.
Congratulations to the following for Terrific Kids Club: Brayden, Nathaniel, Aiden, and Melissa. Congrats to the following for BUG Club: Darian, Lainey, Staley, Hailey, Karissa, Grayson, Ben, Jose', and Ilyssa. Super job to all of you. Let's more this next quarter. You can do it!!
Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Testing Begins Tomorrow

Yes, tomorrow we have our first NWEA test and it is in Reading. Today, students set a goal for themself. They got to see their RIT score from the fall and then we added 8 pts. to it for them to gain. We will do the same with the Language and Math. They are excited to see all they have learned and to see the wonderful scores they are going to have. Yes-the are BELIEVING IN THEMSELVES!! Remember a good night's sleep-healthy breakfast-healthy snack, and of course-gum.
Today, we had some fun in Math with some difficult Algebraic equations. More fun to come with those tomorrow.
In Social Studies, we started our Migration Unit by reading a book with tons of whale facts that we gathered. Ask your child 3 facts they learned and write whales in the planner.
In my reading class, we finished part 1 of Balto-Yes, the serum made it to Nome and the epidemic is under control. Who will be the hero? Kassen, Balto, or Togo?? We will have to wait and see. I think we know who it should be.
They got their practice language tests back today and I would like them to look them over to see where they made their mistakes. We can learn so much from our mistakes. We went over them in class, but another look would be beneficial.
Have a great night.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

What a Great Day Back!

First of all, I hope all of you had a great Easter and Spring Break. I know I sure did. It was filled with family, little ones, friends, skiing, golf, and some relaxation. We are definitely on the downhill slide from here on out. Where does the time go? I can honestly say these kids are sure acting more like 5th graders in a good way. They are taking all the preparation we are doing seriously.
Just an update for you on where we are and where we are headed academically.
In Math, we will continue to work on problem-solving strategies and going deeper into previously learned concepts. These kids are amazing and I am excited to see their growth on the upcoming NWEA tests in which I will post the schedule at the bottom of this post.
In Science, we are continuing with rocks & minerals. After that, we will move into fossils to get us ready for that field trip where we go fossil digging. This trip will take place on May 24th.
In Social Studies, we are moving into our whale unit on migration. Students will learn lots about whales and their migration patterns. They have learned so much about Alaska and the Iditarod. We will continue with Balto in Reading and then we can do our skype with Mrs. Yasenak. Then in Reading, we will be reading one of my all time favorite books called Riding Freedom. We will follow this book up with a field trip out to Ms. Erickson's Ranch on May 16th. This will also give us lots of insight to agriculture and farming from years past to present. The students have been doing an author study about the author of this book. All kids will go on the trip and the Read 180 kids will get a book to read at home so they will better understand the field trip.
As we finish whale migration, we will move on to Montana History where we will learn lots of facts about the state along with following the Lewis & Clark Expedition. Our field trip for this is to Pompey's Pillar on May 30th.
As you can see, we have a lot of wonderful things going on and many great experiences for your child to be a part of. These field trips are possible due to the money we raised for our spaghetti dinner.
We have 3 more BIG tests coming up. They are the NWEA and these are the ones that mean the most to your child's growth this year. We will meet individually tomorrow morning and talk about the point growth they will expect themselves to make along with my expectations. The great thing about these tests is we get the results right away.
The test schedule for these is as follows: Thursday, April 12th is Reading. Wednesday, April 18th is Language, and Friday, April 20th is Math. It is very important your child be here on those days. Gum and healthy snacks are also a must.
Tomorrow we will be watching a movie about the Iditarod. Students can bring in a capped regular sized drink. Please no larger sizes.
Have a great night.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Missing lots of you today. Wow-we had 6 students gone today. YIKES!! But this didn't stop the learning that we were doing. We read 2 chapters of Balto today along with percentages in Math, and we also learned about the 3 kinds of rocks in Science. If your child can tell you the 3 main groups of rocks, write rocks in the planner.
Tomorrow is an early out-12:00 dismissal for everyone.
Also tomorrow is the day to return those pictures envelopes of money or pictures that are not being purchased.
I hope you have a great break and I won't be blogging tomorrow due to the early out.
Happy Easter and see you on Tuesday, April 10th.

Mrs. Hankins