Friday, May 20, 2016


Yes, these kids again showed their FABULOUSNESS by doing their very BEST on the last of the BIG tests for the year.  I am proud of each and every one of them.  Also, I am so happy to report that we had 100% attendance so no make-ups which allows us to take part in the upcoming fun things this week.

Wednesday is Field Day from 12:45-2:45.  Thank you to Jennifer Jones & Jenny Jasper for volunteering to help with this.  Make sure your child dresses for the weather & activities that day.  Sunscreen/hat would be a good idea as well as comfortable clothing & tennis shoes.

Thursday is our Pompey's Pillar Field Trip.  We will leave at 9:00 and return by 2:00.  If any one would like to volunteer to go along, please let me know as ASAP.  Always nice to have an extra body or two.  Thank you.

Other than those 2 big days, academics will remain as normal as possible.
Thank you and have a great weekend.

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