Friday, April 1, 2016

Report Cards Went Home Today!!!

Yes, report cards went home today.  Overall, they were good.  If your child has straight A's (Terrific Kids) or brought up their grades (BUG)  from last quarter, they received a slip in there inviting you to the awards assembly on Friday, April 8th.
Also, some students received another slip about a celebration on Monday.  We are spending our Bitterroot Bucks for 3rd quarter and all students will get to participate in some form or another, but not all are eligible for lunch with me so those are the ones that received a slip so that they don't bring in a cold lunch.  Rewards are based on the amount of money they had which is based on making positive choices.  This last quarter is equally as important to make good choices and maybe even more so as we have field trips coming up and since they are a privilege and an extension to our learning in the classroom, students will need fake money to participate.  But like I always say-it is so easy to make money in here if you do "what is right".  Ask your child about the new ticket system they are excited about as just another way to earn that "fun" money.  If they can tell you, write $ in the planner for free money.
We are all working hard this last quarter to finish the year strong.  We have talked a lot and watched a video about "grit" & "perseverance".    More like that to come this coming week.

In Math, we are working hard on Geometry & Decimals.  Even though, geometry is an easier concept, we still need to take our time and be accurate when drawing angles, lines, segments, etc.
In Reading, we just finished Riding Freedom and will be going into 2 different novels and/or groups.
Spelling-Unit 28 word list which is on here.
Social Studies, we are touring the SW region.  There are only 4 states in this region so no map was sent home to study.  I think your child already knows these 4 so ask them and if they do, write SW in the planner.
Blue slips for next year's re-districting-if you haven't returned yours yet, please do so.  Thank you.
Have a great weekend.

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