Friday, January 29, 2016

Happy Birthday to Me!!!

Yes, as most of you know, it was my birthday today and these kids made it extra special.  Thank you for all the fun notes, cards, book, treats, and hugs.  They are as special to me as each and every one of these kids.  They make coming to work everyday fun.
As you can see from the pictures, we had a great guest speaker in from Yellowstone National Park.  He talked about the history of the park, it features and some stories of the park and its' past.  We wrote thank you letters to Mr. Malloure and from reading them, the kids loved it and really learned a lot so ask your child 3 new things they learned and if they can tell you, write YNP in the planner.  As part of this, students and their families get a pass to enter any one of the National Parks free through August with the pass I am going to send home with them.  How cool is that-start planning your summer vacations!!!!
We did a fun scavenger hunt in Science yesterday & today learning some cool facts.  We are done with weather now and waiting for our guest speaker, a meteorologist, to come in and talk to us later next week.
Lead 21 kids will share their space topics reports on Monday.  There are 3 to finish this weekend and they know who they are.
Also, on Monday, Lead 21 kids will get their biography packets & books to start on that project.
Venture Theater is off and rolling and they will perform on Friday, February 5th.
Terrific Kids/BUG-remember if your child received a note with their report card they are eligible for an award and you are invited.
Fit Kids Club starts on Monday so if you are part of that, plan to stay after school from 3:15-4:00 on Mondays & Tuesdays.  Make arrangements to get picked up at 4:00.

Congratulations to Kylee, our student of the week.  She shared all about her fun trip to Disneyland.  Sounds & looked like a GREAT time.
Congratulations to Nolan, our Purple Hand Winner.  Great job-he was nominated and voted by his classmates for his outstanding character traits.

Happenings this week:
Go Math-Finishing up Chapter 5
Spelling-Unit 20 words
Language-persuasive writing
Reading-Benchmark Assessment
Social Studies-we will start our tour of the Midwest Region
We are going to spend our fake money for Quarter 2 on Monday afternoon.
Our 75th celebration points reward is on Tuesday from 9:15-10:00.  Students can bring in electronics and/or board games to enjoy the free time.
Have a great weekend

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