Wednesday, February 25, 2015

States & Capitals Test Tomorrow

Yes, tomorrow is the Midwest States & capitals test.  Make sure you know the locations as well.  Today, we started the first part of testing our CD tour by making travel brochures.  Ask your child at least 3 places their travel brochure traveled to and if they can tell you, write brochure in the planner.
Wear Pink tomorrow in honor of Mrs. Neese and her mother-in-law.  Not sure how many of you know this, but her mother-in-law has cancer and got a trip of a lifetime yesterday which was on her bucket list to travel to and be on the Ellen Dejeneras(sp).  The show is airing today at 4:00 so maybe you will see Mrs. Neese if you watch it.  Anyway, to welcome Mrs. Neese back tomorrow we are going to show support by wearing pink if you have it!!!!  She will be so surprised!!
Friday is Hat Day.  The student council is sponsoring hat day on Friday and for 50 cents you may wear a hat all day in the building.
READ-A-THON- 3 days left.  I know our class has achieved our goal of receiving all the boarding passes and traveling "around the world", but that doesn't mean that we stop reading.  Today we had at least 5 kids that didn't have any minutes read last night.  So we talked in morning meeting today to finish strong and not be The Tortoise & the Hare.  We can do it!!!!  Finish strong and receive one of the cool compasses that you see in the photo below.
Remember PE shoes tomorrow.
Have a great night.

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