Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Exercising In Math

Yes, today we took full advantage of being "cooped" up indoors. We were making line plots so we did some exercises in math and recorded our data on line plots. Ask your child what exercises we did and how a line plot is made. See if they can tell you what the word is called when one number in the data is very different from the others. If they can tell you and show you all this, write line plot in the planner. I also found some fun exercising videos that we danced/moved to this afternoon to get us up and going. Fun-fun!! In Lead 21, we shared our paragraphs about "how to protect/help Earth". They are now on display in the hallway. I am very proud of the writings they came up with. We also did Part 1 of our Benchmark Assessment. Will continue with that tomorrow. Pen Pal letters were received and read today. Lots of fun & excitement sharing what they learned about their pen pal. Ask them something they learned about their pen pal and write pen pal in the planner. We are going to write back next Wednesday. Tomorrow is Music so make sure you have your recorder here. Notes from the PTA went home today for the Holiday Stroll that will take place on Dec. 13th. Looks like lots of fun and a great way to earn some fake money if you go and support it!! Food Drive is still on so help out if you can. Empty Stockings-WOW-I am truly taken aback by the generosity of this group and you as parents. Lots of money was brought in today. Thank you-we will continue this until December 13th. Ava is going to pick a child for us to adopt for this great cause and we will purchase what is on his/her wish list. Happy Birthday, Sydnie-have a great day. Thank you for the candy canes. Have a great night.

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