Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Yes, we almost started our SBAC testing today as there has been a slight change in the schedule.  Then the testing site went down this morning, so we weren't able to test.  BUT-we are for sure going to begin our testing on Thursday morning.  We will test Thurs.-Friday and then next week Mon.-Tues. for sure.  So please make every effort to have your child at school these days.  Thank you.
Today in Math, we started our Metric Measurement unit.  We realized how easy this system is compared to our Customary units of measure.  See if they can tell you the 5 measurements we used today starting with mm, ____, _____, _____, and ______.  Write them in the planner for free money.
Lead 21 kids started their game boards today with partners.  This is going to be our Inquiry project for Unit 6.
Cakes/Baked Goods Please-I am sending out a plea for baked items for our cake walk.  Please make a note in the planner as to how many cakes or plates of items you plan to bring so I can get an estimate of what we are going to have.  Thank you.  Free money will be given out.
Nutrition with Mrs. Hanson-today students learned about fruits & vegetables and finished by tasting 6 different things on their plate.  Some had flavor and some didn't.  Not sure all were liked by many of the students.  Good discussion she had though.  We sure appreciate her coming and doing this with us.
Have a great night.

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