Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Metric Olympics Finished

Yes, we finished the Olympics today and had lots of math skills put into that 1 activity.
Ask your child what their favorite event was & why and write it in the planner.
In math today we made line plots using fractions/decimals.  Also, we are having a great review of previously taught skills.
Game Boards are going to be played tomorrow in Lead 21.  A few groups finished today and already got to play theirs.  Should be fun tomorrow when we all play.
In Montana History we learned about what happened to the beaver and what was taken for the hides after that.  Ask your child what happened to the beaver and what the new animal was and what happened that caused such animal piles & a bad odor on the plains. :(((((
Remember tomorrow is HE/PE.
There are still a few people who need to bring their $2 for the owl pellets and they know who they are.
Have a great night.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Metric Olympics Continued

Today we continued with the metric olympics outside doing the javelin using pool noodles, discus throw using tupperware lids, and the basketball shoot.  Once again students estimated as to how far they would throw, then they found the actual distance after they threw and then had to find the difference.  We didn't finish the Discus Throw today and will finish tomorrow.
Today was the last day for Mrs. Hanson, the nutritionist, that has come to our classroom for the past 6 weeks.  We learned a lot from her.  Have a great discussion with your child about what at least 5 things they learned.  If they can tell you, write nutrition in the planner.  Tomorrow we are going to write "thank you" notes to her.  Ask them what "yummy" snack they had today.
Remember to have yarn for art tomorrow.
$2 for owl pellets if you haven't paid yet.
Toilet paper rolls needed.
Have a great night.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Happy Monday

We started Metric Olympics in Math today and did 2/5 events.  Ask your kids what we did and how they did with their estimation vs. actual measurements.  If they were able to tell you, write Metrics in the planner.  Tomorrow we go outside to do the other 3.  If any of you have a pool noodle we can use for our javelin toss-that would be great. Thank you.
Lead 21 game boards are a work in progress and should be done by Wednesday.  We hope to play them on Thursday.  Then the following week we will take Benchmark test #3 and after that our Reading MAP test.
Owl pellets-we will be dissecting them next week so please get your $2 to me this week if you haven't already done so.  Thank you.
New PTA news/calendar went home today.  Check out the important dates.
Also, students will need a spool of yarn for Art on Wednesday.
Also, save toilet paper rolls and send to school as you get them for the Art teacher and Mr. English.  Thank you.
Have a great night.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Happy Friday!

Thank you to those of you who turned in your $2 for the owl pellets.  Please get your money to me by this coming Thursday so your child will be able to participate in the dissection.  Thank you.
Upcoming Week:  We will get to have a so called normal week this week as no testing schedule to follow.  So here are the happenings:

Lead 21-We are going to finish & play our game boards and start on our 3rd & final Benchmark assessment.

Math-We are going to making line plots with fractions and then reviewing year long skills in preparation for the MAP testing.  Monday will be the Metric Olympic activities.  Remember to dress for the activities.
Language-finish up our cumulative review.
Spelling Unit 32 words
Montana History-finishing up the trapping/trading
Social Studies-starting the West Region
Science-owl studies

Here is the letter that Mr. English wants us to post on our blogs.

Dear Families,
Thank you for your generous support of the November 2013 school bond.  You made it possible for some long overdue repairs to update our 50 year old building.  This summer our school is getting new windows, lighting, ceilings, and room heating units.  With this great blessing comes the challenges that we have to be completely moved our of the building by June 8th.  It is a huge task so we have decided as a staff to "eat the elephant one bite at a time."  As a result, you may find things like bulletin boards and books are being packed in your child's classroom on an ongoing basis.  During this time we will be looking for educationally sound opportunities that give staff some time to pack but keep students engaged in positive learning activiites.  There may be a grade level PE event on the playground or a movie in the gym.  We will keep you informed as these opportunities arise.  Thank you for your patience.  It will be a little pinch for a big gain.


John English
Principal, Bitterroot School

Have a great weekend everyone.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Round 1 of Testing is Complete!!!!

Yes, even though we had some technical glitches today, we finished the SBAC testing which we are happy about.  We will be doing the MAP (NWEA) testing the week of May 11th.  These are the ones that give students & teachers the best data because they are comparing their fall scores to their spring scores to show the growth they made throughout the year and they aren't compared to any other 4th graders by themselves!!!!
Today in Montana History, we learned more about the trapping/trading era of our state's history and how the Indians & Metis were so important during this era and how many trappers operated in brigades(teams)  but how some became free trappers(more individual, or one or 2 companions)  Ask them which method actually worked out best and what it was called that this group of trappers met at each time every year.  If they can tell you, write rendezvous in the planner.
Tomorrow we get back to our normal schedule.  YAAAAYYYY!  So we will finish up our measurement unit in Math and work on our gameboards in Lead 21.
Remember Library books tomorrow.
Have a great night.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Yes, we just started a new Read-A-Loud called:  "Owls in the Family".  It is a great realistic fiction story with lots of facts & fun about owls.  So this is going to be our Science studies for awhile.  As our culminating activity for this unit, we are going to be dissecting owl pellets.  They are safe & sterilized.  Each student is asked to bring in $2 to cover the cost of their individual pellet.  They can bring the $ anytime, but for sure by Thursday, April 30th.  Thank you.  As far as a blog question, ask them why the boys in the book didn't find owl nests close to the crows and what a baby owl is called.  Write the answers in the planner.
Last day of testing tomorrow.  Today we did the ELA performance test.  It had only 4 questions, but they had to read a variety of sources and had to write either a story or a paragraph.  Lots of hard work put into it.  Tomorrow's is going to be the same thing, but it is Math so I am sure students will have to find perimeter & area of garden plots as that was the preparation activity we did today.  So let's finish strong Team Hankins.
Tomorrow is PE so get those shoes here.
Have a great night.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Happy Tuesday

Busy, crazy day today.  First of all, I need to commend the students for their hard work once again on the Math CAT test which is the SBAC portion of math with lots of different math questions with some difficulty.  We now have the 2 longest ones done.  Tomorrow we are going to do the ELA (reading) performance test which has fewer questions, but with more writing/keyboarding short answers.  Then on Thursday, we will be doing the Math performance test.  So once again, attendance the next 2 days is so important so they don't get behind.
With Mrs. Neese today, students watched a short video of a lady that started and ice cream shop and it showed how she worked hard and believed in herself and now this day, she owns many different ice cream shops.  So then they got in groups and made posters of careers.  Ask your child some of the careers they came up with and ask them what they hope their career is going to be and write it in the planner.
We started our SW states & capitals test today.  They got that part done, but now we are finishing the location part and they get to use their map notes that they took as we learned about 10 different locations in this area.  This is going to show how well they listened, followed along, and took good notes.  No reason not to get a 100% on this.
Please see the note from Mr. English. Ok-so the letter didn't copy, paste, and transfer to this blog so I will try again tomorrow.  So in a nutshell,  Bitterroot School is getting new lighting, new windows, and heating vents.  What this means is that every teacher in the building needs to pack EVERYTHING up and get it out of their classrooms.  This needs to be done by Monday, June 8th.   As you can see, we are going to be busy at the end of the year wrapping up the year and also packing everything up. So what Mr. English mentioned in his newsletter is that students may be involved in a little extra PE/movie time that last week of school.   Fun to look forward to new lighting & windows though so it will be worth it in the end.  WE CAN DO IT!!!!!!  Thank you for your understanding and patience the last week if your child comes home saying they had more PE time/movie time.
Have a great night.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Thank You-Thank You

Thank you so much to all of you for your generous donations to the Cake Walk and Basket Raffle.  We couldn't do it without you-so thank you again.  By the looks of it that night, everyone had a great time.
Today we finished up our Reading CAT test.  Tomorrow we will be doing the Math CAT.  So have  a good night's rest, healthy breakfast, and snack.  Remember to bring gum if you wish.
Today in Social Studies we did our final stop of the SW tour learning about the Oklahoma Land Rush.  Previous to this, we watched a quick You Tube Video of the Trail of Tears showing how the Indians were pushed up into Oklahoma and promised through a treaty that they could stay on the land there.  Well then came the Land Rush where many Europeans took over the land claiming their plots.  Ask your child a little bit about this and if they can tell you a few pieces of our discussion, (we did decide that this was quite a scary scene for those involved.)  write land rush in the planner.
We are having our short states & capitals test on this unit. (4 states) and also a quiz over all the locations along the way that we visited.  They have notes to use for this.
In Montana History, we are continuing with the trapping-trading of beaver furs.  Ask your child why the 2 fur trading companies converged into 1.
Remember recorders tomorrow.
Have a great night.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Cakes & Baked Goods-Calling All Cakes & Baked Goods

Yes, tomorrow is the day to bring in all your baked items for the carnival.  If you choose to bring them when you come tomorrow night, that is ok too.  Remember it is from 6:00-7:30.  I think we will be having the Cake Walk in our classroom instead of the gym this year.
Remember $50 for every cake or plate of baked items.  Thank you in advance for helping us out.  Thank you to those of you that donated for the baskets.  So appreciate it and you!!!!
Tomorrow is going to be the start to our SBAC testing.  I know you may have heard/read about testing issues throughout the state, but Bitterroot School & District 2 is going to go through with them and finish.  So wish us well that everything goes smoothly and we can finish by mid-week next week.  Please encourage your child to work hard and do their best as I will be doing likewise.
They are allowed to bring in gum for testing.  Make sure they get a good night's rest as well as a healthy breakfast and bring in a healthy snack.
Today in Social Studies we learned about El Paso, Texas as well a Ciudad Juarez.  Ask them what river these 2 cities border and what they learned about factories & Mexican workers in this area.  If they can tell you, write factory in the planner.
Congratulations to Avery, our Student of the Week.  Wowzers-he is one amazing wrestler.  I can see why he hopes to wrestle in the Olympics someday.  Some of his favorites are:  Math & MT History, blue, the movie-Forest Gump, Buffalo Wild Wings -UMMMM-and he loves to study spelling words and go to wrestling practice after school.  Gotta love his Elmer Fudd hat from Grandpa in the pic.  The trophy he is holding is his latest from a wrestling tournament!!!
Remember Library books tomorrow.
Have a great night.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Happy Hump Day

Great day today in spite of the weather.  Great day if you are a duck!!!!  But, I must say we need this moisture.  Just think how clean it will smell tomorrow and how things will really green up.
Thank you so much for returning the small slips in the planner with the number of baked items you plan to bring for the carnival.  Thank you-thank you.
Today in Montana History, we started the section on Trapping/Trading.  Lots of fun new information to come home with them on a daily basis.
In Social Studies, we learned about the Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico.  They are amazing.  Ask your child to tell you 2 facts about them and write them in the planner for free money.
Lead 21 game question/fun cards are coming along just great.  Will be fun to play them when we are done sometime next week.
Testing:  It looks like we are going to be starting on Friday.  So be prepared with good night's rest, healthy breakfast, and bring a healthy snack.
In Math today, we did a Metric Measurement Scavenger Hunt measuring items in the classroom and the hallway.  Tomorrow we will continue with capacity (liquids), and mass (weight).
Remember PE shoes tomorrow.
Have a great night and go play in the puddles. :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Yes, we almost started our SBAC testing today as there has been a slight change in the schedule.  Then the testing site went down this morning, so we weren't able to test.  BUT-we are for sure going to begin our testing on Thursday morning.  We will test Thurs.-Friday and then next week Mon.-Tues. for sure.  So please make every effort to have your child at school these days.  Thank you.
Today in Math, we started our Metric Measurement unit.  We realized how easy this system is compared to our Customary units of measure.  See if they can tell you the 5 measurements we used today starting with mm, ____, _____, _____, and ______.  Write them in the planner for free money.
Lead 21 kids started their game boards today with partners.  This is going to be our Inquiry project for Unit 6.
Cakes/Baked Goods Please-I am sending out a plea for baked items for our cake walk.  Please make a note in the planner as to how many cakes or plates of items you plan to bring so I can get an estimate of what we are going to have.  Thank you.  Free money will be given out.
Nutrition with Mrs. Hanson-today students learned about fruits & vegetables and finished by tasting 6 different things on their plate.  Some had flavor and some didn't.  Not sure all were liked by many of the students.  Good discussion she had though.  We sure appreciate her coming and doing this with us.
Have a great night.

Friday, April 10, 2015

No School for Students on Monday

Yes, just a reminder that there is NO SCHOOL for students on Monday, April 13th.  Teachers have in-service day.
Tonight is the PTA movie night starting at 6:00.  Free money if you go.  Just write PTA movie in the planner.
School Carnival next Friday, April 17th.  Please plan to donate baked items for our Cake Walk.  As mentioned earlier free money will be given for each cake or plate of items.
Looks like our SBAC testing will begin on Thursday so let's plan on that unless it changes.  Please make every effort to have your child here to school on these testing days.  Thank you.
Next week in math, we will be starting our Metric Measurement Unit.  This unit will conclude with some fun Metric Olympic activities.  Kids did a great job with protractors and measuring and drawing angles.
Lead 21 will be working hard on their games next week.  Today we talked about expectations and some options for the game boards.
We started our SW tour today and will have our test over the states & capitals sometime next week.  I think we all could have taken it today and passed it since there are only 4 states.
Have a great 3 day weekend.

Thursday, April 9, 2015


Congratulations to our Terrific Kids & BUG Club winners for 3rd quarter.  Terrific Kids awards go to:  Kassidee Savaria, Avery Allen, and Jaiden Loar.  BUG Club winners are:  Ashton Running Crane, Avery Allen, and Kassidee Savaria.  Team Hankins, you are doing great, but there is room for improvement this quarter!!!  Let's have lots of award winners to finish the year strong.
Cakes-Cakes-Cakes & baked goods.  Yes, we will be needing lots of baked items for our Cake Walk on Friday, April 17th at the School Carnival.  You can bake or buy whatever works for you to help us out.  If you bake cookies or brownies, try to have at least 6-12 on a plate depending on size.  Cupcakes, possibly 6 on a plate.  I will be giving $50 free money for each cake or plate of baked goodies.  What a great way to earn free money for our upcoming field trips.
Today, we started adding & subtracting angles so here is the blog question for you.  If you have a straight angle and 2 smaller angles coming off of it and one of the angles measures 145 degrees, what is the measurement of the 2nd angle.  Write it in the planner for free money.
Testing:  I know some of you have been asking when we will start our SBAC testing as you may have a child in another grade already testing.  It looks like we may not be starting until next week Thursday possible.  I will know more early next week and let you know. :)
Great teamwork today during Lead 21 today.  Students read with partners and then got together in their groups and completed a Venn Diagram for this Selection.  Lots of good discussion was going on.  That makes for a Happy Teacher!!!!  Tomorrow they will be working with these same partners to create a game board & questions/activities to go with our Ecosystem Unit.  Fun-Fun!!
Remember Library books tomorrow and also Spelling test.
Have a great night

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

School Carnival Quickly Approaching

Yes, can you believe it is that time again????  Notes went home today about the school carnival that will be on Friday, April 17th.  The note was mostly about the baskets to donate items or $.  As far as the 4th grade booth, we have the infamous CAKE WALK!!!!  So we are going to ask for donated baked items from you.  They don't have to be cakes, but can be plates of cookies, cupcakes, brownies, etc.  Please -please help us out.
Report Cards went home yesterday.  Hopefully, you got a chance to look over your child's by now.  They were great for the most part.  I know there were a few students unhappy they didn't get BUG Club, but if their grades were good last quarter, it is hard to bring them up.  They can all work hard this quarter to get Terrific Kids Club!!!!  Let's go for it-Team Hankins. :)
Pizza Lunch was enjoyed today by our lunchroom helpers.  They give up their lunch recess a couple times a month to help out in the lunchroom.  Way to volunteer!!!
In Math, we have been working hard in measuring & drawing angles with our protractors.  Have your child tell you the 4 kinds of angles there are.  If they can tell you, write them in the planner.
Also, remember to get those picture envelopes back ASAP.
Remember HE/PE tomorrow so bring those PE shoes.
Have a great night.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Happy Tuesday

I hope you all had a very restful, enjoyable Easter holiday with family & friends.  We enjoyed time with both.  Easter Egg Hunts are so fun with two 2 year olds and two 4 yr. olds.  Getting together with great friends to finalize our trip to Hawaii was "icing on the cake".  So exciting!!!!!!
Nutrition with Mrs. Hanson.  Students learned a lot about whole grains today.  Ask them about 2 things they learned today and what we did with cereal boxes as they enjoyed their healthy snack.  If they can tell you, write the answers in the planner.  HOMEWORK FOR NUTRITION LESSON:  Read cereal box labels and check out the amount of sugar & salt in them.
Southwest States & Capitals-we made our flash cards today for school practice and I am not sending a map home for this region as there are only 4 states in it.  Ask your child what they are and if they can tell you, write SW in the planner.
We continue to measure & draw angles with our protractors in Math.  Thank you for making sure your child has the tool needed.
Have a great night.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Eckroth Music Here

Yes, there are two wonderful ladies here during Music from Eckroth Music showing and talking about instruments that your child will have the opportunity to play next year in 5th grade.  Ask them what their favorite instrument was and what they learned about it and write it in the planner.
Tomorrow is Hankins' Store Day to spend our fake money for 3rd quarter.  Should be fun as there is lots of good stuff.
Tomorrow is also HE/PE so have those PE shoes.
Tomorrow is also and Early Out day with 12:00 dismissal and No School on Friday and Monday.
Today in MT History we are officially finishing up the Lewis & Clark Expedition with a great DVD showing the whole expedition from St. Louis to the Pacific Ocean.  We didn't finish it yet so ask your child what point we stopped at today and put it in the planner.
Thank you to all of you who purchased protractors for math and measuring/drawing angles.  We measured & drew lots of different angles today and will continue with more after the break.
Congratulations to Mathew, Jesus, Keilah, and Rylee for having their "cats" get chosen by Mrs. Fischer to be entered in the art show coming up.  Your child made an invite to it so make sure you ask them about it.
Have a great night.