Monday, September 16, 2013

One Day Down!

First day of testing went very well today. We took the Language test today. Will do the Reading tomorrow and the Math on Wednesday. Make sure you get that good night sleep again tonight along with a protein breakfast and protein snack tomorrow. Bring gum once again if you wish to. Had another issue in the lunch room again today. Yikes-3rd time this year. They have silent lunch tomorrow and I suggested they sit boy-girl the rest of the week. We have to get this under control. I know it is not the whole class, but we are a team/family so we have to work together and be respectful to everyone in the school both adults & other students. There are a few in here who think they can talk whenever even during work time. Needless to say, that is not how it goes and they are losing lots of money so if they want to be part of the field trips in October, they better start using good character along with good listening skills and independent work habits. Please have a talk with your child about this tonight and let's hope the rest of the days go better. If you do, write TALK in the planner. Thank you. Reminder: Saturday Live Candy-I am giving $20/bag if your child helps us out. Thank you. We got to meet our newest Bitterroot School family member today. It is Mr. English's new dog named "Dug". He is quite adorable as you can see by the picture. For those of you who don't know, Moose, his Newfoundland died this past summer. Sad-sad, but now he has this new bundle of joy!! Have a great night.

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